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Asahi wished he could curl up and die. Here he was cleaning part of the garden area with Noya and Mikey, they were so energetic and his heart ached watching them together. He was too shy to admit what he felt for the small libero as he didn't think he could handle the heartbreak.

"I'm just going to the rest room, so don't slack off just because I'm not here" Noya shouted in the direction of the other 2 boys. When he left there was nothing but silence, until.

"Yo dude, are you sure that you're only 18? You look way older" Mikey shouted. "Yes, of course I'm sure" Asahi grumbled under his breath. "Do you think Noya's hot" the blonde asked the older boy. "I wouldn't bother if I were you, he's straight and in love with Kiyoko. There's no chance, believe me" Asahi scowled.

"He may be bi but he's certainly not straight and the Kiyoko thing is a front. I'm very perceptive towards these things. Plus Kiyoko told me that he likes one of the guys on your team" the blonde stated whilst walking over to Asahi and checking that Noya wasn't on his way back.

"He must mean Tanaka, they're very close". "No, now I know that he's definitely straight and head over heels for our beautiful Kiyoko. I think that he said it was definitely a third year" Mikey smirked.

"It's probably Suga, everyone loves him, he's so kind and thoughtful and looks out for the first and second years" Asahi replied. "It could be him, he did say that he was really nice and kind, a beautiful soul is what Kiyoko said" the blonde answered.

"Hey, guys. What you up to?" Noya screeched, looking a little shocked that the boys were talking. Mikey went over to the small libero and wrapped his arms around the boy. That was it, the final straw Asahi couldn't take it anymore so he threw his tools on the floor and stormed off towards the sleeping quarters.

" Asahi, wait. What's wrong?" Noya shouted but all he saw was his friend disappear into the distance. "What did you say to him?" Noya growled. Mikey just smiled at him and replied, "I may or may not have made him think that you have feelings for Sugawara". A darkness fell over Noya's face as he spoke through gritted teeth, "What the actual fuck. What is your deal dude? Nevermind I'm gonna find him" and with that the small boy ran towards the same direction that his friend had just gone in.

The tall brunette flopped on his futon, face first and punched the floor, he was so angry. "Asahi" a small voice said softly, "can I talk to you about something important?" "Whatever, Noya just get it over with, will you?" Noya plopped on the floor at the side of his friend, "will you please look at me when I'm talking to you, please" he asked.

Asahi sighed and turned onto his back when he noticed that the boy's face was flushed and Mikeys words came back to him, " he likes a third year who is nice and kind to everyone. A beautiful soul" he realised that those were the words that Noya had used to describe Asahi when he was trying to get him to come back to the team. All of a sudden it clicked in his head.

"Noya, can I just say something first?" Noya looked at him with confusion but replied, "yes of course". "Yu, I have feelings for you and not just platonic feelings. I know that this must be a shock for you but I just needed to tell you how I feel" he said looking at the floor.

"Asahi, I like you too" the small boy grinned. He threw himself at the Ace putting his arms around the taller boys neck and pulling him in until their lips met. They eventually pulled away from each other and Asahi whispered in Noya's ear, "will you be my boyfriend, Yu?" "Yes" the smaller boy gasped back.

Mikey smiled as he walked away from the scene that had just unfolded, whilst typing out a message on his cell phone.

Mikey x Kiyoko Private message -

Mikey - Asahi and Noya confessed to each other and now they're dating

Kiyoko - Let me guess, you messed with Asahi, didn't you?

Mikey - I told him I thought that Noya had feelings for Suga and I think that it pushed him over the edge. Sorry, not sorry 🤣

Kiyoko - Well done Mikey, your the first one to pass your mission.

Mikey - Good, when do I get my boyfriend back?

Kiyoko - When he's finished his mission derr.

Mikey x Kiyoko left the chat.

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