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All of the boys made it back to their sleeping quarters to dump their belongings. Kiyoko had told them all to meet at a picnic area on site where they could prepare barbeque in an hour. The boys in room 1 were pissed at the new comers and were trying to work out which loser was going to try and steal their love interests.

IWA - I can tell that the tall blonde with the ear rings is gonna go after Kawa, it's just so fucking obvious. What was his name?

TANAKA - Kiyoko told me a little about them all

The boys all turned and looked at him

SAKUSA - Don't just stand there, spill the tea baldie 👨‍🦲

TANAKA - Fuck you, dick head 🖕🖕🖕

Tanaka got up to leave but his Karasuno team stopped him

DAICHI - Come on Ryu, if you know anything, please tell us, don't listen to numb nuts

SAKUSA - Look man, I'm sorry. I'm just a little stressed, thinking about Tsumu going with another guy

TANAKA - Why do any of you care you treat them all like shit

BOKUTO - Come on, we're not that bad

TANAKA - Ok this is how bad you are and let me finish before you interupt

Daichi is straight 👀👀 and spends all his time with Yui and ignores Suga

Asahi doesn't know what he is but he's so scared he stays away from Noya

Kageyama spends all his time with his older bro's and spends anytime he has with Hinata telling about his bromance with Iwaizumi san 💘

Tsuki is always with the Nekoma boys, Bokuto and Lev's sister. You have completely cut off you best friend leaving him sad and alone. Not cool bro

Iwaizumi treats Oikawa like absolute shit and calls him horrible demeaning names, very loudly so that he can hear what your saying. You treat him like he has no feelings and are also apparently dating Sakusa. You are the worst one... 💩💩

Matsun you have also cut your best friend off without even a second thought

Kuroo, you go on about how much you care for Kenma but then let him believe that your interested in Alisa, Bokuto or even Tsuki. 🤢🤮

Lev your just oblivious so I can't really be mad at you

Bokuto, you're as dense as fuck and you hanging about so much with Alisa is really hurting Akaashi

Ushijima you don't have a fucking clue how much you hurt Tendou by talking about Oikawa all the time, you don't stand a cat in hells chance with Kawa, he hates you.

Semi, I don't really know you but Shirabu thinks that you hate him because he's the first choice setter

Sakusa you're as bad as Iwaizumi, you treat Atsumu awfully. I shouldn't say this but he and Oikawa were heartbroken on the bus as you'd led them to believe that you are dating Iwaizumi 💩💩

Osamu, I know how laid back Suna is and if he's saying it bothers him, you have a huge problem.

KUROO - Please tell us about the guys....


HARU - He's clever, he doesn't study but gets very good grades. He is very protective of people he cares about and doesn't give up easily. He had a slight temper problem when he was younger but he's changed.

KISE - Is a basketball player and model. He's cheerful and outgoing but can be a little dramatic and arrogant at times. He's friends with Aomine.

HATSUHARU - Is very flirty with boys and girls. He's normally calm and placid but can become enraged if angered. He is related to Yuki

MAKOTO - Is a swimmer. He's pleasant and considerate and has a very caring personality. He's always seen with a gentle smile and is very sensible.

SANO - (MIKEY) Is a martial arts expert and is extremely fast and isn't afraid of anything. He can be a little childish. He loves to play jokes and pranks on his close friends who he cares for deeply and would do anything to protect them. Friends with Ken.

YUICHIRO - He's hot bloodied but kind hearted. He worries about people and wouldn't think twice about helping someone who needs it. He treats his friends like family but loves teasing them.

KOU - Was kind and outgoing until his mother died but became harsh and rude. He is getting better and is returning to his open and happy self. He is very kind hearted.

YUKI - He is kind and has a charming personality in public but has really low self esteem and is terrified of rejection. He's also very sweet and his confidence grows when he gets closer to people. Is related to Hatsuharu

TAKUMI - Very flirty. Amazingly talented at everything he tries. He's very athletic and popular with both boys and girls. He's very good looking

AOMINE - Basketball player with immeasurable strength. Happy and outgoing but can lose his temper. Very protective towards his friends. Friends with Kise

SAKUTA - Extremely flirty. Calm and will say anything that is on his mind even if its inappropriate. Deadpan expression. Shows care and compassion to people and hates bullies.

MIYAMURA - Extremely flirty, likes boys and girls. Very charismatic, can charm anyone but also seems to be quite pervy. He's intelligent and observant but can also be quite lazy.

KEN - (DRAKEN) Martial arts expert. Quite wild, he'll tell you if he doesn't like you. A very caring individual who looks after his friends. He can also be sensible and logical. Friends with Sano.

TANAKA - Ok, you guys can do what you want with that information but my gut says its barbeque time. 🥩🍗🥓

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