Chapter 24

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Makki was becoming more and more flustered, "why did I think that going on two dates with two boys in one day was a good idea?" he asked his friends. "At least they're both hot" Kawa replied. "Not helping" Makki replied.

He was currently trying on different outfits whilst completing a fashion show for the others. "Boy you look hot" Suga complimented. "I feel hot but not in the way you think" he wailed. Kawa chuckled, "enjoy it babe, just try and have fun".

The conversation was interrupted by Takumi, who had just arrived, "you look amazing Makki. Are you ready to go?" Everyone noticed the flushed face that Makki was sporting, it was so cute. "Yeah, take me away from these bitches please" he replied whilst waving at his friends.

"Who do you think he'll choose" Suga asked the rest of the group. "Why don't we compare info on the two" Yamaguchi suggested. "Ok lets do this" replied an overly excited Kawa.

AGE - Matsun - 18 Takumi - 18

HEIGHT - M - 187.9 T - 186

HAIR - M - Black T - Blond

EYES - M - Dark T - Green

PERSONALITY - M - Easy going and good natured. Jokes with friends

T- Athletic and very popular with both boys and girls. Good at everything he tries.

"Who does everyone think Makki looks best with" Kenma asks.

Oikawa - Sorry it has to be Matsun

Suga - I like him with Matsun too

Kenma - I think that he should go with Takumi, a change is as good as a rest

Akaashi - I think Takumi too

Atsumu- I'm with team Takuhana

Suna - Yeah me too. I mean the guy is really hot

Hinata - No it's definitely Matsuhana for me

Yamaguchi - I agree with Hinata

Noya - Gotta be Takumi

Tendou - I really like him and Matsu together, they look cute

Shirabu - Takumi for the win

Yaku - No he had to go for Matsun, they're made for each other

Makki sneezed loudly. "I hope you aren't getting a cold Makki?"Takumi asked. "No I'm fine, that just came out of nowhere" he answered.

Both boys were sat at one of the picnic areas watching the world go by when Takumi brought up the subject of Matsun, "how long have you been in love with him for" he asked the pink haired boy. "Since the first day I saw him, on my first day of high school" he smiled fondly, "how about you? Do you have anyone?" he asked the blonde. "Yes, he's one of the boys here with me" he replied."Who?" Makki gasped. "Can't tell you yet" he replied "but it's time to get you back for your most important date" he said pulling the boy along by the hand.

The couple eventually made it to a spot on the side of the mountain. There sat Matsun on a blanket on the ground and a roaring fire at the side of him. When he saw the two boys getting nearer he stood to greet them both. Before the boy reached them Takumi bent and whispered in Hanamaki's ear "go and get your man, you deserve to be happy" and with that he walked away, bowing slightly at Matsun who returned the gesture to the blonde.

When Matsun reached Makki he gently held his hand and walked him over to the seating area near the fire. Makki sat down and was immediately wrapped in a fluffy blanket so he wouldn't get cold. The boy in front of him looked at him lovingly as he began to talk, "Makki, I'm so sorry that I treated you so badly, I just didn't think that you felt the same as me and I was scared of rejection but I shouldn't have pushed you away". Makki looked a little flushed when he replied, "it doesn't matter, you're here now and that's good enough for me".

Both boys moved slowly towards each other until their lips met, it was magical and Makki didn't think that it could get better until....

"Will you be my boyfriend Makki?"

"Yes, Matsun. Of course I will be"...

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now