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Azusagawa was a flirt, he always had been. It was second nature to him, he loved being able to get a blush or giggle out of anyone, male or female and he was currently enjoying the flustered state he had managed to get the boy into without having to try too hard.

Semi just stared at the boy, he had never seen Shirabu like this, he was always serious or down right salty never blushing. He was so jealous, he could feel the anger rising within, he wanted to spark this emotion in his junior and not see it happen in front of him.

"Don't look now but your crush is furious and watching us intently" the boy whispered in Shirabu's ear, "just follow my lead". Shirabu could feel the boys hot breath in his ear, he was enjoying this more than he thought he would.

Azusagawa was hot, in a flirtatious obvious way but Semi was different, he envoked an whole different feeling in Shirabu. Everytime he saw the boy he felt like his heart was being squeezed in a vice, it became hard to breath. He felt the butterflies but he never saw any evidence that the older boy felt anything for him other than distaste, he had taken his place in the team and he always felt guilty and sad at the same time.

Semi hadn't noticed anyone approach him, he was deep in thought, "just tell him how you feel" the voice said softly, it was Tendou. "I'm not gonna embarass myself by confessing to someone who is obviously into someone else" he answered, sounding a little annoyed.

Tendou sighed loudly, "you're a fucking idiot if you can't see how much that boy wants you." " What the hell are you talking about? He doesn't look like he's into anyone other than the guy whose currently sucking his neck" Semi growled.

The red head laughed quietly, "he's not sucking his neck. He's whispering in his ear and looking right at you. Do something before it's too late."

Semi realised that his friend was right, he needed to do something now before Shirabu ran away with 'flirty guy' Semi couldn't remember his name, so without warning he ran towards the whispering boys.

Shirabu looked a little shocked when his team mate ran towards them and forcibly prised them apart. The next thing Shirabu knew was that he was being thrown over Semi's shoulder as the boy ran towards a quiet area of the spa.

"What the fuck Eita?" the boy screeched, "put me down. NOW!

The boys came to an halt as Semi placed Shirabu on a picnic bench. He then put his arms around the boys neck and pulled him into a kiss, he could feel the boy tense up but then he kissed back. After a few minutes they pulled away from each other, "I'm sorry I couldn't take it anymore" Semi whisperd, "I want you so bad that it hurts". Shirabu's face was a crimson colour by now, "I didn't know that you liked me" he replied.

Semi gently grabbed Shirabu's hand and held it to his chest, "this is how much I like you" he grinned. Shirabu could feel the boys heart hammering out of his chest. He mirrored the action by doing the same. "This is how much I like you too" the boy replied. Semi was so happy when he felt the boys rhythm, it matched his exactly, "do you wanna give us a try?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes" the boy replied breathlessly as he pulled the older boy in for another kiss.

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now