Chapter 23

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Everyone had notice the change in Bokuto, he'd gone from his usual mood swings to being sad and angry most of the time. The truth was that he'd been in love with Akaashi since the boy began studying at Fukurodani two years previously. The outgoing Captain had gone from a bit of a womaniser to being in love with a man and he was confused.

Bokuto had met Alisa, Lev's sister, at a party at Kuroos house a few months ago. She was beautiful but a little dizzy, exactly the Captains usual type, so Bokuto had tried to force his feelings for her to make his father happy.

His father was a tough business man who had cheated on Bokuto's mother with a string of beautiful girls so he would be furious if he found out that his only son had developed feelings for a man.

Both Alisa and Akaashi had met Bokuto's father on numerous occasions and he was extremely impressed with the type of woman that his son was dating. On the other hand he could tell immediately that the beautiful dark haired boy was gay and obviously had feelings for his son and he wasn't about to let that happen so he told his son to date Alisa and to stay away from Akaashi or the family would cut him off.

Bokuto sat in the seating area watching Akaashi and Makoto intently when Kuroo came and sat beside him.

"You okay bro" he asked. "Not really" Bokuto replied with a sigh. "Talk to me" Kuroo said patting the boys back. "Look at them" he said with a look of despair plastered on his face. "I know, bro. It's hard but you have to decide if you want Akaashi enough to lose your entire family." "They look happy together, don't they?" he answered his friend.

Kuroo looked at the two boys together and he had to admit that Akaashi had started to regain his sparkle which had all but disappreared when Bokuto began to ignore him. "Yeah man, they do".

"He seems like a really nice guy too. He seems to have real feelings for Kaashi and I'm trying to let go of my feelings for him but I can't, I can't help the fact that I've fallen hard for Keiji but if I act on these feelings I'll lose everything. My family and my home. What do I do Kuroo?"

Kuroo thought long and hard about it before replying, "Kou, you'll always have family around you. You have me and the rest of the volleyball guys. You need to confess to Akaashi and when we get back home you can pack your things and come and live with me."

Bokuto looked at his friend with tears in his eyes, "do you mean it" he asked. "Yes" Kuroo answered. "Go and get your man." Bokuto didn't need telling twice, he stood up and bolted towards Akaashi.

"Akaashi" he shouted as the boy turned and looked at him with a puzzled expression. "What" he replied coldly. "Can I talk to you alone, please" "Bokuto san can't you seem that I'm having a conversation with Makoto san." "Please Kaashi, just 5 minutes" he pleaded. Makoto looked at the distressed boy and smiled, "hear him out Akaashi, I'll see you later" and with that he walked away from the 2 boys.

The dark haired boy stared at Bokuto, "go on, say what you want and then leave me alone". Bokuto felt like someone had ripped his heart out, was it too late to repair their shattered relationship?

Bokuto began, "please let me get everything out before you say anything". Akaashi nodded. " I'm so sorry that I haven't been around for you lately, I've missed you. I've had feelings for you since the day we first met but I could never act on them. You've met my father and he could also see how I felt, so he told me that I had to date Alisa and stay away from you or my family would cut me off. I was scared Akaashi, but I don't care anymore. I'd live on the streets if it meant that I could be with you"

Akaashi's expression softened and he approached the boy. He gently cupped his face in his hands and wiped away the tears that Bokuto hadn't realised that he'd shed. "Breath Kou" Akaashi whispered,"I'm here" and with that he kissed the boy gently.

"I love you Akaashi".

"I love you too", Bokuto san.

Makoto x Kiyoko private chat

Makoto - They're together now

Kiyoko - Thank you

Makoto - No problem. Has my beloved ended his mission yet.

Kiyoko - Yes, you can meet him near my sleeping quarters.

Makoto - See you in 5

Both are offline

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