Chapter 17

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Matsun watched Makki closely, his jealously raising it's ugly head. He hated the blonde who was touching his friend far too much for his liking but he had no right to be mad, it was his own fault for not acting sooner.

The dark haired boy had a crush on his friend for so long, it was intense but he decided not to do anything about it as he was too scared that it would ruin their friendship. However he had managed to do that all by himself by ignoring Makki instead of dealing with the issue.

Takumi was extremely clever so he was able to see that Matsun was suffering however he liked Makki, I mean who wouldn't?"
He loved that he was funny, cute and extremely genuine. In short, Takumi was falling for the pink haired boy even though he knew that his purpose was just to make Matsun jealous. He had decided that he was gonna win Makki over, no matter what.

Makki was so over the situation with his ex best friend. He was sick of feeling like shit just because his once best friend had unceremoniously dumped him for Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Kageyama and Osamu. He thought about all the times he either lay away crying or being soothed by Oikawa.

The two ex best friends kept stealing furtive glances at each other but the silence was like a heavy cloak crushing them underneath it's weight. Takumi had, had enough. He grabbed the pink haired boy and kissed him right in front of Matsun, much to Matsun's horror. However the boy didn't say or do anything to stop the scene unfolding before him, he just looked at them with an icy glare.

To anyone looking at the situation it seemed as though Matsun didn't care about the boys kissing but that was far from the truth, his heart was aching but what could he do? He had brought this all upon him self so now he had to deal with it like an adult.

Makki stood like a blushing mess, I mean the guy who just kissed him was beyond hot, he was stunning and the pink haired guy had begun to feel a little dizzy. No one had ever pursued him before, Oikawa was his good friend and unfortunately no one stood a chance of getting any romantic attention when the pretty brunette was around but for some reason Takumi was and it felt good.

Matsun stared at them both and began to speak, "Makki I care about you, don't let this guy fool you into thinking that he's genuinely into you, he's just using you". "STOP" Makki screamed, "Am I so disgustingly unattractive that no one could ever be interested in me" "Makki, no that's not what I meant" Matsun answered in a panic. "Then what did you mean?" Makki shouted back. "I just mean, be careful. You don't know anything about him" the dark haired boy pleaded.

Takumi looked at them both and said to Makki, " Why don't you let us both take you out on individual dates and if you decide at the end of them that you wanna be with Matsun I'll back off but I really do like you Makki, I'm not lying".

Makki nodded in agreement as did Matsun. "Okay I'll got out with Takumi tomorrow night and I'll go out with Matsun the night after. I'm exhausted so I'm gonna head back to the sleeping quarters and you guys can do whatever the fuck you want."

When the pink haired boy entered the sleeping quaters he ran to his friend and pulled him into a tight embrace, "I'm so happy for you Kawa, you eventually got the man of your dreams". Oikawa looked at his friend and asked, "did anything happen after I left?"

With that question, the others gathered around to get the tea. "Takumi and Matsun have both said that they like me, so I've agreed to go on a date with Takumi tomorrow night and with Matsun the night after".

"Damn" Suga shouted, "Makki you're gonna have those boys fighting for you". "As they should" Oikawa pointed out, smiling at his friend.

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