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All of the boys began to gather for breakfast, Atsumu was sat with Kawa, Tendou and Shirabu. They were chatting and giggling when Aomine and Kise walked in together. "Should be go over and say hello?" the blonde asked. "Yeah, I'd like to meet Tendou" the taller boy replied.

Semi and Ushijima were watching the incident unfurl. "Do you really think that Satori would like any of the new guys?" Ushijima asked his friend. "Would you care if he did? I mean, you've never hidden the fact that you have the hots for Oikawa" the grey haired boy replied.

Ushijima eyed up the tall, slender brunette and responded quietly, "Look Semi, 99 percent of the people here think that Kawa's attractive, all of the Captains apart from one have said that they would be interested if ever Kawa decided to forget about Iwaizumi and give one of them a chance". "Who's the one that wouldn't?" Semi asked intrigued. "Guess" Ushijima replied.

"Actually I thought that there would be more that weren't interested. I mean Kuroo is seeing the tall blonde from Karasuno, Bokuto is seeing the Nekoma russian's sister, you're definitely interested, Daichi is straight, Teru is a slut so he definitely would be interested but he isn't here, so the only one I can think of is Kita but he didn't come either."

"Okay, 3 of the statments are definitely wrong and I'm not sure about the rest but Daichi is the only one who isn't interested in Kawa" Ushijima stated but then realised that Semi was totally ignoring him as he was staring towards the group that had sat together. "Semi, Semi what's wrong?"

As Ushijima looked over he saw that Atsumu, Tendou and Shirabu had not only been joined by Aomine but also by Miyamura who was currently in full on flirt mode but also by a brown haired boy who didn't look familiar. The boy was sat chatting with Shirabu and that's when the Captain realised that Semi was jealous.

"Hey bro" Ushijima said a little louder. "What?" Semi responded with irritation pricking in his voice. "Do you like Kenjiro?" The grey haired boy sighed loudly "yeah, alot". "Why have you never mentioned it before?" Semi looked at the ground, "that doesn't matter now that someone has got their claws into him, I don't stand a chance".

Tendou had noticed Ushijima and Semi sitting at the other side of the room. He thought that Semi looked a little irritated but couldn't understand why until a brunette spoke and asked Shirabu if it was okay if he sat next to him. Shirabu replied to him saying that he could sit. "Hi I'm Asuzagawa Sakuta, what's your name?".

Shirabu rolled his eyes whilst looking at Tendou but was a little shocked when the red head whispered in his ear, "talk to him and flirt. Semi is watching and he doesn't look happy". Shirabu smirked and turned towards the boy "I'm Shirabu Kenjiro" he replied smiling. "Would you like to go for a walk around the grounds" Sakuta asked hoping that the boy would take him up on his offer. "Yeah, that would be nice" he replied. Both boys got up and walked off.

Tendou watched Semi carefully, he could see how pissed the boy was. Just before Semi could look away from the unfolding scene his eyes locked with the red haired middle blocker and he saw the boy smirk. That pissed Semi off even more and just as he was about to stand and walk over to his team mate he noticed an extremely tall guy with navy blue hair and a killer smile taking a seat next to Tendou. Ushijima noticed it too.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" the guy asked Tendou. "Yes no problem, I'm Tendou Satori by the way, what's your name?" The boy smiled at him and replied, "I'm Daiki Aomine. Has anyone ever told you that you're really pretty Satori". Tendou gasped as he felt his heart flutter, no one had ever called him pretty before. He was blushing by this time and replied, "I can honestly say that no one has ever said anything of that sort to me before".

"Well they must be blind then" Aomine whispered into the red heads ear making the boy shiver.

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