Chapter 18

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The following morning as Kiyoko and Yachi were preparing breakfast, a car pulled up outside the kitchen area. "I wonder who that is?" Yachi mumbled, "Are you expecting anyone, Kiyoko? "No" the dark haired girl replied.

The car door opened and much to Kiyoko's annoyance Yui (Karasuno's girls volleyball team Captain), Alisa (Lev's siser), Yukie and Kaori (Fukurodani's managers) got out. She had invited Yukie and Kaori as they had kindly offered to help out but she had a feeling that Yui and Alisa were there just to cause trouble.

"Erm, why are you guys here?" she asked her uninvited guests. "We just thought that we'd come along for the ride and to see Daichi and Bokuto" Yui replied. Kiyoko didn't like it one bit, she knew that she had to warn Suga and Akaashi about the two girls arriving, however the dining area had started to fill up as the boys arrived for breakfast and their assignments for the day.

All of a sudden there was a loud squeal as Yui clapped eyes on Daichi, followed by Alisa screeching as Bokuto arrived in the room. In no time the girls were hanging off the respective boys as they smiled and laughed. However that didn't last long as silence engulfed the room as everyone turned towards the entrance and saw Suga and Akaashi, unsuspectedly walking in.

Suga was the first to see the girls and he was pissed whilst Akaashi looked 'done'. The two friends sat in the far corner of the dining area and they were closely followed by Haru and Makoto.
"Are you both ok?" Makoto asked. "I'm marvellous" Suga replied sarcastically whilst Akaashi just gave a brief nod.

Daichi had noticed Suga's reaction and was confused. Why did he look so mad? It seemed, to Daichi, that for each day that passed he lost a little more of Suga and that didn't sit well with him. As he went to stand Yui grasped his arm and pulled him back next to her. "Excuse me, where do you think your going" she questioned."I need to see Suga" Daichi replied.

"Look at her" Suga growled, "she's like a fucking Octopus holding on for dear life" All three boys laughed loudly gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

Akaashi felt a pair of golden eyes watching his every move and it made him feel uncomfortable. He shot a withering look at his Captain and then turned his attention to the girl sat beside him.

"She's so pretty" Akaashi sighed. "Keiji, have you actually seen your reflection? Your the prettiest person in this room, well in any room actually" Makoto pointed out. "She's not even in your league babe" said a smiling Suga.

"Bokuto, show me some attention" Alisa wailed. "Why?" Bokuto asked, "it's not like that, with us and I've told you before that I don't have feelings for you in that way". "But.." "But nothing", the boy replied and he got up and walked out of the room.

Yui was annoyed that Daichi hadn't taken his eyes off Suga, even when she draped herself all over him. "What's the big deal Daichi? I've dragged my ass out here to spend time with you" " No one asked you to 'drag your ass' out here" Daichi whisper shouted. Everyone had noticed that the conversation between the two was getting heated but what the heard next caused uproar.

"Look, Yui. This has to stop. I've already told you that I have feelings for Suga and that isn't gonna change, so please leave." The girl stood up and turned towards Daichi and screamed, "So you're telling me that you're into guys? Let me rephrase that, you're in love with your best friend". "Yui, please keep your voice down" Daichi hissed. "You're fucking disgusting, all of you, all of you are depraved. Get yourselves girlfriends and be normal".

The entire room glared at her and then she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned to get a face full of Kiyoko's palm as the girl slapped her. "Get off my property now before I call the police and take your friend with you". Both girls got up and left. Daichi hadn't noticed someone approaching him.

"Daichi, is it true?" Suga asked. "Is it true what she said about you being in love with me?"

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