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Kenma tried to act like he didn't care but Akaashi and Yaku could see through is little act, it was obvious that the rumours about Kuroo and Tsuki had hit him hard and what hurt him more than anything was that Kuroo, is so called best friend, hadn't made any attempt to check that he was okay.

His friends were really worried about him but he was adamant that he wouldn't show them exactly how upset he actually was, but Akaashi heard him crying at night and he was pissed, the rooster headed fuck boy was going to get a piece of his mind.

The following morning Kiyoko put them all into groups to work on certain jobs to get the spa ready to take customers, she was sly about it though and tried to put everyone in teams of 3 or 6, and yes you guessed it, comprising of one from each group however she had decided that Kenma was in a group of 6.

Kenma stood with the others listening for his job for the day from Yachi. "Okay, the group dealing with clearing picnic area 1 is Kenma, Akaashi, Kuroo, Bokuto, Hatsuharu and Makoto" the small blonde shouted. The boys grabbed the tools they needed and a bottle of water and walked towards the picnic area.

When they arrived at the spot Kuroo tried to approach the blonde setter but was masterfully stopped in his tracks by Akaashi whilst Hatsuharu shepherded Kenma towards the area that he was working in.

Kuroo had never seen Akaashi looking anything other than patient and kind but even he noticed the aggressive aura the the pretty boy was emitting. Akaashi walked up to the Nekoma Captain and whispered, " stay away from him or I will cut you while you sleep" Kuroo gulped nervously because the way that Akaashi uttered those words made him believe that the usually calm boy would definitely act on that threat.

As Akaashi walked away Bokuto grabbed his wrist, "can we work together Kaashi". The dark hair turned towards his excitable Captain with a scowl on his face, "get the fuck off me" he growled. Bokuto's smile disappeared from his face and he asked, "Kaashi what's wrong?" "What's wrong?" the boy shouted. "You want to know what's wrong?" Bokuto nodded meekly at him.

"You have ignored me for the last 3 months while you sniff around Lev's sister and now because she isn't here you decide that you have time for me. Hell no, I'm done. Go and talk to your little girlfriend and leave me the fuck alone". Bokuto and Kuroo stood, mouths agape and in shock.

Makoto noticed that Akaashi was visibly shaking and as they boy turned to look at him he noticed tears. He walked towards Akaashi and put his arm around him and led him towards Kenma and Hatsuharu and away from Bokuto.

"Nothing's going on Kaashi, she's just a friend" Bokuto whined. "Stop" Kenma shouted. "Leave him alone, he doesn't deserve this". Kuroo looked at the boy, "Kenma, please can we talk, in private?" "No you can't, leave him alone" Hatsuharu growled walking towards Kenma and putting a protective arm around him. "You two idiots can't see what's in front of you. You've treated these two kind and beautiful people like after thoughts, you don't deserve them".

The four boys walked in the opposite direction leaving Bokuto and Kuroo with their regrets.

"Thank you" Kenma whispered to the boy. "It's okay. Don't even think about him. I know that we're all here to help make your crush jealous but I really like you Kenma. Do you think that we could give this a try?"

Kenma's eyes widened while his face slowly turned a lovely shade of red.

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now