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It was dark when Akaashi and Makoto got back to the sleeping quarters and they noticed a group obviously waiting for them. "Where have you been" Kenma asked running towards the taller boy. Akaashi smiled at his smaller friend and giggled, "sorry, I nearly fell off the cliffside." "Akaashi are you ok?" Suga gasped.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to Makoto san" he replied. All of the boys turned and looked at the green eyed boy, so he bowed and said quietly, "it's nice to meet you all but I better get back. See you tomorrow Keiji" and with that the boy ran over to his own building and disappeared.

Atsumu looked at Akaashi with a smirk, "Oh, so it's Keiji, is it?" The others started to laugh loudly and Oikawa purred, "I think someone has a little crush on our pretty setter". "Shut up" Akaashi replied whilst turning a lovely shade of red.

Everyone walked into the room whilst teasing Akaashi, "Good for you babe," Tendou smiled, "he's hot and seems really nice". Oikawa interrupted them all shrieking, "and he has the most amazing green eyes. Not that I'm a simp for that or anything". They all laughed loudly but noticed that Akaashi had a really serious look on his face. "Where's Yams?" he asked. "Oh he's just outside with Shoyo, I'll go and get him" Kenma replied. The boy ran outside to get the others.

"Suga, Yaku I need your help with something" Akaashi said quietly. The two boys walked towards Akaashi and they all stood in the corner, away from the others and waited for the younger ones to come back into the room. "Why do I get the feeling that this is gonna be bad?" Suga asked. "Because it is" Akaashi replied. "Kenma and Yamaguchi are gonna need us all when I tell them this". "Tell them what?" Hinata asked.

"Kenma, Yams I'm really sorry to tell you this but apparently Konoha was out on a date last week and saw Kuroo and Tsuki out together. Apparently they looked very close". "They're friends" Yamaguchi sighed uneasily. "They were holding hands and whispering to each other, I'm sorry guys but it looks like they may be an item".

Kenma looked at Hinata, who was extremely shocked. "Are you sure it was them?" Hinata asked. "Yes, I'm really sorry". The small orange haired boy looked at his two friends, Kenma didn't seem fazed in the least but Yamaguchi was a different matter, he was devastated.

"Kawa, Tsumu" Suga shouted. "Yes babe?" Oikawa responded looking straight at his friend. "Could you both help Hinata and Akaashi look after Kenma and Yams until I get back, please" Oikawa replied, "of course, where are you going?" Suga looked like he could kill and Kawa knew not to question it. Suga gave a crazed smile and replied, "Yaku and I need to sort out a little situation but we'll be back soon". Atsumu looked at Kawa and replied, "Holy fuck, Suga looked deranged. I would not like to cross him tonight".

All of the boys in building one were sat around sulking or talking about the others when the door was nearly brought off it's hinges as it was pushed open so forcefully. The boys looked in the direction of the door and saw Suga and Yaku standing there with an extremely scary aura around them.

Daichi smiled when he saw the boy and walked towards him cheerfully greeting him "Hey Suga". However as Suga turned around the smile was wiped from Daichi's face. He had seen this look before and it came just as Suga's temper reached fever pitch. 'Oh fuck he thought".

"Kuroo and Tsuki, we need a word now, outside" Suga demanded. "No, I'm tired" Tsuki replied. All of the boys that had known Suga for some time knew that this was no time to piss him off. The grey haired angel looked at both boys and growled, "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. This. Room. Now. Before. I. End you". Both boys gulped and walked outside followed by Yaku and Suga.

Daichi walked towards Suga and put his hand on his friends shoulder, "Koushi can we talk about what happened earlier". Suga glared at him, " Fuck off Daichi, you only want me when your little girlfriend isn't around and I've had enough. Leave me alone. Daichi was dumb struck like the rest of them but watched the boy disappear out of the room. 'It's too late, I've lost him'.

Suga stared at the two boys, "Is there something going on with you two?" "That's none of your business" Tsuki answered. Suga ran over to him and grabbed him by the throat, "you better fucking tell me what's going on. NOW!! Is there something going on?"

Kuroo looked at them both and gulped, "Yes!"

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now