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"I'm still so – "

"I know." Maka whispered, her thumb brushing against his cheek as she threw a leg over his hip as they snuggled in their bed.

"I'm trying to – "

"I know, Soul."

Soul squeezed his eyes shut. It had only been a couple of days since Maka had returned, and Soul was still struggling with the memories of thinking she was dead. The kids had bounced back quite easy – the three youngest barely remembered the incident, and Amara never thought she was gone in the first place. It was only Soul – and their friends – who truly suffered that horrific loss, however short.

"I'm so happy," he managed. "But still – I'm so worried about you."

Maka sighed silently. Stein had put her on some fluids for a day or so to cure her dehydration. Eating was difficult at first, but she managed for Soul. The past couple of days she had felt like her old self, but Soul was still coming to terms with the fact that she was really going to be okay.

"Listen," she began, pressing her palms to his cheeks as he looked up at her. "I'm gonna need a day. A day where you treat me like I'm not a piece of glass, and that I'm still the bad-ass meister that I am."

Soul smirked and chuckled gruffly.

"A day?" He confirmed and Maka grinned.

"A day."

"I think I'm gonna need a day of normalcy too."

Soul and Maka both sat up in their bed to look to the door of their bedroom. Amara was stood there sheepishly, in her dressing gown. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes tired. Maka sat up quickly.

"Honey, what is it?" Maka asked as Soul sat up beside her. "You're not meant to be up for another hour."

"I know," Mara mumbled and fiddled with the doorknob. Soul and Maka shared a glance. "I woke up because…"

She trailed off. Maka and Soul waited a moment before Soul spoke up. "Because what, kid?"

"Uh…" Mara's cheeks impossibly got redder. "Something happened. I kind of know what it is, but I didn't think it would happen so soon… I…"

She trailed off again. Soul nearly spoke up before he heard Maka suddenly take an intake of air beside him.

"Ohhhh…" She vocalised before smiling brightly at her eldest. "Oh honey, that's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"Mum…" Amara groaned, and Soul looked between them in confusion before the dots finally connected.

"What on earth is – Oh. OH." He sat up and Amara hid her face in her hands.

"Dad, please don't – " She began but it was no use.

"Aw, kid!" he began awkwardly, as he rubbed the back of his head. "This is normal! You're growing up – Ugh, wait."

He froze and his eyes widened in horror. "You're growing up."

Luckily, Maka laughed lightly beside him and stood before he could manage any more words.

"Come on, sweetie," she said warmly to the rosy-cheeked pre-teen. "Let's go have a talk, and I can show you what to do."

"Okay," Amara grumbled and followed her mother, leaving a rather shell-shocked Soul.

The talk hadn't gone so bad. Thankfully, with Amara nearing her teens Maka had expected this, but it was still uncomfortable, nonetheless. She had explained to her that she was becoming a woman, but that didn't mean she had to start acting like one, she could be a kid for as long as she wanted. It seemed that Amara felt some relief after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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