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Soul woke up to the sound of laughter.

He frowned but rolled clumsily out of his bed. He eyed the sheets and pillows on the small couch in his room that Maka had slept on. Amara got her room since it was more girly and suitable, and Maka had insisted taking the couch since he was so drained. Soul continued to eye the couch and shook of the guilt he felt for making Maka sleep on that thing before pulling his door open and heading towards the kitchen.

They had been home for two weeks and Amara had been crying less and less about missing her parents each day. Soul didn't want her to forget about Wes and Ana but he knew her memory fading somewhat at her age was inevitable. Soul had been slowly healing also, with the help Maka his guilt had lessened as he added to Amara's life. His love for that little girl was unconditional and amazing with him not knowing she existed until two weeks ago. She just reminded him so much of Wes. At first it was hard, but now when he saw them little qualities of his brother in her it warmed his heart.

He was met to the very pleasant sight of Amara and Maka laughing in the kitchen, Amara sat on the counter (something she scolded Soul for doing usually) and Maka making her way around the kitchen as she made breakfast. The sight made his chest tighten with happiness, though he was unaware why. Amara had taken to Maka like a fish in water. He knew that Maka loved Amara just as much as he loved her. It made him happier than she could ever know.

"Ah, Vio Soul! (Ah, Uncle Soul!)" Amara called as he entered, dangling her legs down in attempt to jump off the counter, though her size prevented her from doing this.

Soul chuckled at the pout on her face as she couldn't get down as he walked over to pick her up by the waist before bringing her to his chest and standing straight. She wrapped her arms snuggly around his neck before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Buongiorno Amara e Maka, (Good morning Amara and Maka,)" he said gruffly before he kissed the child's forehead, she giggled.

"Buongiorno Vio Soul! (Good morning Uncle Soul!)" Amara laughed, the words flowing naturally through her lips before she turned to eye Maka, who frowned at them both as they looked at her expectantly.

"...I don't speak Italian!" she exclaimed, making Amara and Soul laugh heartily before Soul sways Amara lightly in his arms.

"I'll teach you," he promised her, making a light pink dust her cheeks.

"O-okay," she stuttered, making Soul rumble with laughter once more. "But, how are you going to manage that? Give me tests or something?" Soul laughed again as he placed Amara down and patted her head as she buried her face into his thigh.

"Learning doesn't have to be as boring as you make it, Maks," he teased her. She rolled her eyes before swatting him with a cloth and turning her back to eye the eggs she was making.

"Yeah, yeah," she droned. "Anyways, the pre-school rang while you were sleeping and they've accepted Amara. You just need to sign a few more things and she'll be all set." She told him, Soul nodded and patted Amara's head as she looked up to him.

"Mara is going to school here?" she asked timidly. Soul chuckled lowly before mussing her hair up slightly.

"Of course you are, sweetheart," he told her. "Not for a while yet, though. We're still in the holidays and I'm sure you want time to settle down a bit more here anways. Don't worry about it." She nodded before walking back over to Maka, pulling on the bottom of her apron lightly as Maka turned off the cooker.

"What's up, lovely?" she asked, and Soul couldn't help but widen his eyes somewhat as Maka used the pet name that seemed to flow so casually through her lips. It was like she didn't notice she had said it. Amara seemed unfazed as she reached up to Maka, signifying she wanted her to pick her up.

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