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Soul was tired. So tired. He fought a yawn as he trudged towards Amara's school, her hand in his. He was somewhat aware of her talking, and tuned in just in time.

"Posso dire loro, papà? Per favore! (Can't I please tell them, Papa? Please!" Amar begged for the umpteenth time and Soul had to bite back his millionth sigh.

"Amara, ci siamo passati. (Amara, we have been through this." Soul told her with patiently. "Me and your mother will tell our friend's when we're ready." Amara huffed.

"Are you and Mama ever going to be ready?" Amara chimed impatiently. "It's been ages. You said you were going to tell them after Grandpa knew but it's been – it's been..." Amara's brow furrowed adorably as she tried to count the days. Soul bit back a smile.

"It's been one month," he helped her. "And Maka is three months along now." He shook his head. Time really had flew.

"Then why havn't you told them?" Amara demanded. Soul stopped in front of her school to crouch in front of her.

"It's nothing to worry about," he said gruffly before kissing her forehead. "How 'bout this? You stop asking so many questions, and we will let you tell them. But only when the time is right."

That worked. Amara's eyes lit up in excitement before she threw her arms around Soul's neck.

"Veramente? Grazie, grazie, grazie! (Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squeaked. Soul hugged her as he laughed lightly before he stood up and ruffled her hair.

"Alright, now go ahead," he told her with a small nudge. "Don't wanna be late, do you?" Amara shook her head as she took a step away, her small face still bright with a smile.

"Nope!" she chirped. "I'll see you soon! Tell Mama I love her! And you!" Soul laughed before waving her off.

"Will do! Now, get!" Amara laughed musically before turning on her heels and running to the doors. Soul's smile faded as he recalled the real reason Maka wanted to wait to tell their friends.

"Now, was that so bad," Soul asked as he shut their apartment door and shrugged off his coat. Maka shook her head idly as she made her way into the apartment.

"Now, we just need to tell our friends," he said with a laugh. "Boy, that's gonna be – " He cut off when he looked to Maka. She was resting her hands on her tiny little bump, her expression far away. Soul frowned.

"Maka," Soul tilted his head. "Hey, you okay?" Maka didn't respond for a moment. She looked up with nervous eyes before gesturing to the couch.

"Come sit with me a sec," she patted the cushion beside her as she sat down. Soul made his way over to her mechanically. Maka's stomach clenched.

"There's something you should know," she said quietly, her eyes still turned down towards her stomach. "The doctor who treated me rang while I was in the bathroom at the café."

Soul frowned. He thought she took a while. She was in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes, while sat with her father (who was just gushing about baby shower plans), before she returned. But ever since she did, every smile on her face seemed strained. He shuffled in his seat.

"Okay," he said slowly. "What is it? Something need signing?" Maka's eyes welled up. She closed them.

"No, I wish," she muttered before shaking her head and meeting his eyes once more. "It's seems... It seems that the accident may have caused more damage than they thought." Soul stiffened. His eyes feel to her hand on her stomach. His throat dried up.

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