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"Wait," Maka's jaw snapped shut and she froze. Soul was stood in the exact same space; one hand was risen. "What do you mean the next... What? Seven to eight months?" He asked very slowly. Maka clasped her hands together as she looked away.

"Exactly what you think," she replied. "They found out while I was in the hospital. I'm pregnant, Soul."

That tightness that Soul felt in his throat earlier seemed tame compared to how he felt right now. He could hear the blood rush in his ears as he tried to comprehend what Maka had just told him. He opened and closed his mouth in a feeble attempt to respond to her.

"You – Wait, you're...?" His voice sounded small and scratchy. He didn't recognise it. Maka closed her eyes.

"Yes," she said very quietly.

"Bu-but how? I don't understand... We used a condom... we always use a-"

"Well, obviously, it didn't work that time," she hissed, and then took a calming breath.

"You see now?" she almost whispered. "I really need you right now. I'm... I'm fucking terrified, Soul. Scared out of my mind. I was in the hospital bed, nearly sobbing with relief that Mara was alright, bruised and hurt and just-just dreading your reaction, and... and then some Doctor walks in," she trailed off. Soul held onto her every word and kept in tune with the sound of her voice, as it was the only thing keeping him sane.

"He sat on the bed and explained I wasn't the only one in danger when that cab came towards me," she uttered. "I was confused. I said: 'Yeah, I know, Amara was there too.'" She laughed dryly.

"The doctor laughed but said no. He said some of the scans they did revealed that I'm nearly month into my pregnancy. And I know, okay! I know it's awful timing and we have our hands full with Amara but – But, Ican't, Soul. I cannot kill my baby, our baby! I'm so, so sorry but I just can'-" Her tone was growing more and more hysterical and Soul could see tears prick at her eyes.

"Maka, Maka," Soul finally found his voice at her sudden outburst. "What made you think I'd ask you to do that? It's in your body, Maka. I can't tell you to do something like that!" his voice got louder and louder with his panic.

"Not an it, Soul!" she yelled back. Soul rolled his eyes.

"Well, I apologise for not knowing the gender yet!" he snapped. Maka did a double take.

"Yet?" she asked softly, Soul recoiled at her sudden soft tone. "You... You don't want me to get rid of the baby?"

Soul released a long, satisfying puff of air and allowed his muscles to relax as he made his way towards his girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around her and all the anger seeped from her body as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"No," he said quietly. "If that's not an option for you, then no. And even if it was... I don't think I'd be alright with it either. Not when it's mine and yours." He heard her sniffle and realised she was crying. He rubbed her back.

"And yes, I guess the timing isn't amazing," he grumbled and she giggled. "But, we're already kinda capable, what with having Amara? I think we can do it. Oh, shit," he pulled away to analyse her form.

"Was the baby hurt in the crash," he asked, a new panic setting in his voice. His eyes immediately went to her stomach. She laughed lightly and took his hand.

"Of course hunnie, the baby's fine," she reassured him and rubbed her belly. Soul felt a strange swell in his chest as she did that. What was that? "It was the first thing I asked, we have a little fighter already." Soul chuckled. Then something clicked.

"Blackstar and Tsubaki already know," her murmured in realisation, Maka nodded.

"Yeah, Tsubaki has some kind of sixth sense and she realised it on her own. She told Blackstar." Soul nodded.

"God, how do you reckon Mara's going to take it?" he drawled. Maka shrugged and smiled softly.

"I think she'll be happy with a little sister or brother," Maka pondered. "She'll be an amazing sibling. Whatever we have... they'll adore her."

Just talking about it was making it sink and seep into Soul's mind. He was having a baby with this woman. His child was growing in his partner's belly and he was going to be a father. Well, again, since he was already a father to Amara, but... They were going to have ababy. Maka was going to give birth and they'll have their own child and-


He looked up to see Maka looking at him with sympathetic eyes. She took both of his hands and pulled him closer.

"Sweetie, I know this is big," Soul scoffed and she gave him a look. "Okay, really big. I'll get bigger, more hormonal, I'll crave and eventually, I'll go into labour. But we can do this, Soul. We're tough, me and you. If anyone can handle something like this, it's us."

"But Maka," he hesitated. "We've only been together for what? Three months? Are we really ready for this?" his voice cracked and Maka smiled.

"Soul, we've been partners for years. We've got this."

Soul couldn't take it anymore. Could this woman be any more amazing? The swelling in his chest grew until he couldn't contain his excitement, fear and joy. He pulled his into his arms and pressed his lips to hers. He couldn't help the happiness he felt as he felt her giggle against his lips.

"Okay sweetie," Maka said softly as she sat Amara on the couch, where Soul was already seated. Tsubaki and Blackstar had just left, (not without giving their congratulations) and it was obvious Amara was confused by everyone's behaviours. "We need to talk to you about something exciting, okay?"

Amara frowned and nodded. Soul swallowed thickly but felt himself calm as Maka lay her hand on his.

"What is it, Daddy?" Mara chimed in her gorgeous little voice. Soul smiled.

"It's good baby, you see... Someone else is going to be living with us very soon," Maka nodded along with him.

"Yes, a little baby girl or boy," Maka added softly. Soul squeezed her hand. Amara frowned in confusion.

"Who is it?" she asked sweetly, curiosity burning in her eyes. Soul and Maka looked to each other. Maka smiled reassuringly and nodded at Soul.

"Well," he began as he dragged his gaze back to Amara. "It will be your little brother or sister." He managed, Amara's eye's widened.

"Che cosa? (What?)" she whispered in bewilderment. Maka smiled.

"I'm going to have a baby."

Maka hardly even got the words out before the little girl jumped on her parents and wrapped her tiny arms around them. Soul laughed in astonishment as the little girl spluttered her delight.

"You're happy," Soul chuckled in disbelief. The little girl pulled back and Soul could see tears in her eyes. His heart melted.

"Certo che lo sono! Non posso crederci, sarò una sorella, papà! Mamma, io sarò una sorella! (Of course I am! I cannot believe it, I'm going to be a sister, Daddy! Mummy, I'm going to be a sister!"

Maka and Soul laughed at her excitement. She was obviously happy, since she'd more or less forgotten that she can also speak English. Maka nearly squealed with happiness as she tucked the little girl into her arms. Her eyes wandered to Soul, who was trying to hide the fact he had tears in his eyes.

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