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Maka had to remain in the hospital for a week much to her dismay. The Doctor's had to do many tests to determine the damage to her body due to the difficult birth. To everyone's relief there was no permanent damage. Tsubaki was worried she might have hurt her chances of ever getting pregnant again, but the Doctor's seemed certain all will heal as they constantly complimented Tsubaki's work. Maka was so proud. All the Doctors were so impressed. Maka thinks she might even get a job at the hospital based on her quick thinking and skills as a midwife. Soul and Amara were ecstatic, constantly fussing over herself and Masen.


She couldn't believe she had a son. Maka Albarn had a daughter and a son. She couldn't stop staring at him. The first night in the hospital she nearly lay awake all night, just watching her baby. Masen was beautiful, every bit as beautiful as Soul and Mara. Good genes, it seems. His hair already seemed darker than the original blonde she thought it was. His face was so like Soul's, she predicted that even with the difference in hair colour, they would look just alike.

Even now, at only a week old, he had such a personality. He was alert, shockingly so. His eyes were narrow - like Soul's - but when he wasn't crying, feeding or sleeping he was looking around, taking in his surroundings. Maka knew when he was going to cry. He'd frown and scrunch his nose up before letting out a piercing shrill.

Maka didn't care how much Masen cried as long as he kept doing it. He was barely breathing when they had arrived at the hospital apparently. Before she had woken up, the Doctors told Soul that he may not make it. But Mason was strong. He shocked the Doctors with his sudden burst of energy. He went from barely breathing or moving to never sitting still.

Soul didn't share Maka's fear. He knew their son was strong. Maka was scared, thinking every time the Doctors took him away they'd be coming back with bad news. But Soul said he'd grow up stronger than any of them, and Amara thought exactly the same.

Maka and Soul had come to find that Amara had a very strange way of just knowing things. She knew Mason would be a boy. Kid had told them that she knew Maka was in labour before they even got into the hotel. She'd suddenly started crying, saying she wants to make sure Mama's okay. When the doctors were worried about Masen, she just rolled her eyes. Amara told them all not to worry, he'd be just fine – And she was right. Soul teased her saying she was freaking him out, but she just gave him a cheeky grin and tapped her nose.

"Okay Maks," Maka looked up from dressing Masen as Soul entered her hospital room, rubbing his hands. "Car seat's installed. Ready when you two are." Then he smiled and made his way over to coo at his son. Maka smiled, throwing her bag over her shoulder as she watched the two.

"How's my little man, eh?" He asked as he picked him up from his hospital crib. Masen gave him a little gurgle before falling back to sleep.

"He's okay," Maka answered for him as she made her way over. She wrapped her arms around Soul's waist and stared in awe at her son. "The doctors said he's stronger than any baby they've ever seen – and the most well behaved."

"Mara was right," Soul commented. Maka nodded.

"She's right about everything." Soul barked a laugh.

"Yeah, I wonder who she gets that from," Maka smirked.

"Hah-hah," she adjusted her bag and shook her head. "Ready?"

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