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"Maka, I don't know about this..."

Soul stood in the doorway of their bedroom while he watched Maka quickly pack her things into a small suitcase. She cast him an apologetic look.

"I know you haven't been home with the kids on your own before – "

"That's not what I'm worried about," Soul tried to cut in but she continued.

"But Kid really needs me on this mission. I'll only be in Oceania for two days. It's not even combat, just meeting some other meister's."

"Why can't another meister do it?" Soul whined, stepping forward to catch her by the waist and pull her close. "You know, like a meister who doesn't have four kids?"

"Well no, because none of the other meister's created the Last Death Scythe or the world's strongest Death Scythe, did they?"

"I'm sorry, are you trying to big me up or yourself up?"

Maka just giggled and wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face in his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you. And the kids, so much. Even if it is only two days."

"Two days I can just about cope with," Soul agreed, pulling away to look at her face. "When was the last time we were apart?"

"Uh," Maka thought for a moment then laughed. "Before we met?"

Soul joined in on the laughter and hugged her again. Yeah. This is gonna be weird.

Once Maka had finished packing they made their way into the living room to find all of the kids. Amara was sat on the carpet with the twins. The twins were two and both absolutely adorable. They were very well behaved (Except Winnie, would could be a little terror at times), and were both sat up and regarding their sister with interest while she read a book to them. Masen was sat on the couch playing on a game console.

"Okay, kids," Soul breathed and he made his way into the room. "Mama's leaving now."

"Aw, Mama, no..."


"Oh, come on now," Maka whined as Winter scurried forwards to jump into her arms as Hunter ran into his father's. "It's only two days."

"And two nights," Masen accused. Maka shook her head.

"No, one night," she told him. "I'll be gone today, tonight and be back late tomorrow evening."

"Basically two nights," Masen grumbled, leaning on the back on the couch.

"Yeah," Soul joined in, his and Masen's expression's were so identical Maka nearly laughed.

"I'm sure you guys can get through it," Maka reasoned, placing Winter down to pull Amara into a hug. "Any bad feelings, sweetie?"

Amara was quiet a moment before looking up sullenly.

"No," She sighed. "You can go."

"Marwa!" Winnie whined, making Maka and Soul laugh.

"Yeah, you could have lied." Masen nudged her with his shoulder, Amara looked alarmed.

"No, I couldn't!" She began but Maka cut in.

"You can lecture your brother on honesty after walking me to the car, okay?"

Everyone sighed and agreed. Soul grabbed Maka's tiny suitcase while she brought her rucksack. Once they got down stairs, they flagged a cab and put her things in the boot.

"Still think it's weird you're taking a cab," Soul muttered as he closed the boot to face Maka, hands in pockets. "I could have call Kid or Star and taken you."

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