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~Two Months Later~


It started out as such a normal day.

"Amara, siete pronti per la scuola? Stiamo andando a essere in ritard. (Amara, are you ready for school? We're gonna be late.)" Soul shouted from the bottom of the stairs, hearing shuffling and banging from his adoptive daughters bedroom.

"Sì, Papà! (Yes, Daddy!)" she shouted back, Soul sighed but shook his head fondly, muttering lowly as he turned on his heels to take a seat on the couch, keys in hand.

"Hey," Maka made her way from the kitchen, a flask in hand and a pink, flowery lunch box in the other.

"Ah, yeah, thanks," Soul muttered, reaching out for the flowery lunch box. Maka giggled and shoved the flask in his hand, laughing more at his low chuckle. She placed the box on the side before sitting beside him and snuggling up into his warmth. He curled an arm around her and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

"Hey, you okay with picking Amara up from school today?" he murmured into her hair, pressing a kiss there before continuing. "I need to go to the academy, Kid wants to catch up and I need to get some more work done."

"You still on paper work duty?"

"Yah, but I don't mind. Amara can barely stand the thought of me getting in a car on my own, never mind going off to fight death scythe missions." Maka sighed, nodding in a agreement. "Anyways, it's all simple anyways. Nothing a cool guy like me can't handle." Maka chuckled, burying her face in his chest and breathing in his scent. It was strange, spicy but with a hint of a kind of fire wood smell. She sighed before looking up.

"I don't mind picking her up. You take the car though, since you need to go to the academy. Me and Mara can walk home."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, course I am. Could use the excersise anyways." Soul nodded and smiled at her as Amara came running down the stairs in a flurry, giving Maka and quick goodbye hug and kiss before running to the door.

"Ciao mamma! Dai, papà, ho intenzione di essere in ritardo! Ti voglio bene, mamma! (Bye Mama! Come on Daddy, we're going to be late! I love you Mama!)" Amara shouted in a rush. She tended to slip into Italian without realising it when she was over excited. Her teacher at pre-school had told Soul that with a hint of panic, since no one could understand her when she slipped into this mode.

"Va bene, il bambino. Ricorda, a scuola è necessario parlare inglese, sì? (Alright, baby. Remember, when you're at school you need to speak English, yes?)" Amara blinked before giggling, realising and nodding at her uncle. Soul grinned at her before looking back to Maka.

"Ciao bella, (Bye beautiful)" he teased Maka, he pressed a chaste yet tender kiss to her lips before standing. Amara jumped up and down as he approached.

"Ciao Mamma! Ti voglio bene! (Bye Mama! I love you!)" Amara shouted and Maka couldn't suppress the tightness in her chest at the happiness she felt when Amara said that.

"Ti amo anch'io piccola. (I love you too, baby.)" Maka said, waving at the door. "Drive safe!" The two scurried from the apartment leaving Maka on her own to finally catch up on her reading, waiting on the time when she had to exit to pick Amara back up to return home.

Soul dropped Amara off at her school and watched her go in from the car. She waved at him at the door before entering, Soul dropped his hand from waving and leaned back into the seat, a smile trained on his face. Who would've thought his life would turn out like this? Four months ago, if someone told him he would be pursuing a relationship with his Meister, and raising a young child with her, he would've laughed in their face. But now...

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