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Nearly two months had past since the birth of Amara's little brother and she could not be happier. She adored Masen, it never occurred to her that biologically he was her cousin. He was simply her gorgeous little brother, who seemed to love her just as much as she loved him.

It was a Thursday when everything went wrong. There was a horrendous storm and Amara had to stay in all day because of the weather warnings. The storm was said to last three days. Three days of torrential downpour and cold temperatures in the desert. Masen was scared of the thunder, but that's not why she fought with her parents.

Mara had never fought with her parent's before, not once. To be honest, she'd never fought with anyone before. She'd never felt anger to the point she'd shout at someone she loved. Amara's personality just didn't work that way. What could possibly change that?

"Amara, sweetie," her fathers voice carried through the halls to her bedroom. She looked up from the book her mother had gotten her for her sixth birthday a month before.

"Yeah, Papa?"

"You mind helping Mama settle your brother? I'm making dinner." Amara frowned a little in frustration but put her book away.


Amara entered the living room in a huff. Yes, she loved her brother. But she couldn't deny he had changed things. Mama was constantly worrying about him, fretting over every little thing, and Papa hardly had any time to go from comforting Mama, looking after Masen and then working to give her any attention.

Amara scoffed internally before shaking her head to rid herself of such thoughts. How could she be so silly? He was a helpless little baby for now, of course he needed more attention. Mara found her Mama crouching over Masen on the living room floor. He was shrieking loudly as he lay on his back while Mama shushed him.

"Come on now baby, you're dry and fed, what do you want?" Amara could hear her Mama mutter. Amara sat beside her on the floor, the moment Masen's eyes landed on her face he quietened down for a moment. Just one, fleeting moment. There was another clap of thunder.

Then he screamed again.

"Aw, Masen! I'm sorry! Is it the storm? Is it the thunder?" Maka groaned as she sat up to look at Amara. "Sweetie, where's the baby's dummy?"

Amara found it wedged between the cushions of the couch. Mama didn't even say thank you as she took it hastily to put into Masen's ready gums. Mara sighed blissfully as the crying stopped.

"Thank Death," a frazzled Mama muttered before standing absent-kindly and making her way to the kitchen, her eyes always trained on Masen. Amara really frowned then, she stood from her place on the carpet make her way back to her room when the floor fell from beneath her.


Amara hit the ground in a thud. Her left foot tingled before it felt completely absent. Amara frowned before rolling herself onto her back, her delicate brows furrowed.

"Cosa diavolo... [What on earth...]" Amara began to murmur until her crimson eyes fell on her foot. Or, to be exact, where her foot should be.

The blade was a glossy black with sleek streaks of crimson meeting the tip in a very sharp point. Mara's eyes widened until they couldn't. A scream built up so suddenly it only came out as a small squeak.

"M-mama? Papa?!" She called, though her voice sounded strange. Mama and Papa must have heard the panic in her voice, because they came to her the quickest they had ever since Masen was born.

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