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It was silent for about a mili-second before everyone sprang into action. There were hands on Maka back, stroking her, pushing her. The voices sounded far away, like she was hearing them from underwater. She stubbed her toe on the top of one of the stairs, but she didn't care. Everyone continued to scurry her up the steps when the blood in her ears quietened down enough for her to hear what they were saying.

"We need to call Kid, now. And an ambulance." She heard someone snap, their voices hard with panic. It took her a second to realise it was Blackstar.

"I was just on the phone to him," she liked that voice. "The line went dead, the weathers too severe. Even if we could get through to anyone, there's no way someone can drive safely through a storm like that!" There was pain and panic in that voice. No, Maka thought. Why is Soul so upset?

"Soul," she murmured desperately while she felt cushions press against her back. Her bed. She felt a warm hand push her hair back and stoke her face.

"I'm here, sweetheart," his voice sounded so strained. "We're just gonna let Tsubaki take a look at you. Blackstar, get out of here." Maka was surprised when she heard no argument. She only understood why he was ordered to leave when she felt gentle hands tugging at her clothes. Tsubaki and Liz undressed her silently, but they breathed heavily with fright. Maka was completely naked when she felt her night down being pushed over her head, she was about to push her arms through when she was consumed by pain once more.

"Maka," Tsubaki rested her hands on her stomach. Maka fought the urge to push her off. She groaned.

"Tsu, what – " she was cut off by her own moan.

"It's contractions, Maka," Tsubaki said seriously. "Here – " She poked at the most painful part of her belly.

"You feel the tightening? You're in labour. And there's no way to stop it, your water even broke."

"But... But it's too soon," Soul cried before Maka could even form a coherent thought. "She's not even due for another month! How is the baby coming now?"

"Maybe... Maybe the doctor was wrong when he said he thought your delivery would go smoothly." Liz offered in a quiet voice. Soul growled.

"Soul," Maka moaned again. He immediately took her hand and crouched beside her.

"I'm here baby, I'm here," he murmured into her hair as he kissed her. Maka whimpered as his eyes met her own.

"I'm scared," she squeezed his hand in fear. He groaned as if he was in pain. "I know hunnie, I am too. But you're gonna be just fine. You hear me? Everything is going to be ok – "

"Gah!" Maka shoved his hand away and leant forwards in agony. Tsubaki was at her side in an instant.

"Tsubaki, please," Maka could feel beads of sweat forming in her hairline. She looked desperately at her friend.

"Make it stop." Tsubaki met the pained emerald orbs with her own shell-shocked ones.

"Maka," she began slowly. "I'm still only studying. I'm inexperienced, I could just make it worse if I help you as a midwife would." Maka fought back a scream of agony. How could it possibly be getting worse?



"You have to," Maka gasped when the pain subsided. "You know more about this than anyone else in this room. I heard Soul on the phone, we could be stuck in this cottage for two days. Two days, Tsu. You really think I can go two days without pushing this baby out? Really?" Tsubaki didn't respond.

"So I can either do it without your help, and feel comforted by the fact that my baby's life rests in the hands of the person I trust most, or I can –" Maka slammed her head back into the pillows, her entire face scrunched up in pain. She felt Tsubaki's gentle grip on her shoulder.

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