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"We can't thank you guys enough,"

"Oh Maka, please! Get out of here!"

Maka cast Tsubaki another thankful glance as she pulled her coat on. It was a Saturday and Blackstar and Tsu had agreed to watch Amara and Masen for a few hours while Soul and Maka went out.

"But you haven't had the baby for long, and now to look after these two at the same ti – "

"Maka, come on!" Blackstar groaned from her carpet. He was sitting cross legged on the floor with Masen and Valentina. Valentina was asleep on her back on a baby mat. Masen was entranced by the smaller baby and sat between Blackstar's legs while he stared at her and tried to poke her. Blackstar had to make sure he didn't wake the baby. Amara was sat on Blackstar's shoulders and tugged at his hair. He didn't even flinch.

"It's not like we haven't babysat for you before. It's nice for Vale to see new places as well," He told them in a matter-of-fact tone. Maka stared at her oldest friend in wonder.

"Who are you right now?" Blackstar gave her a dry look and waved her off. Tsubaki laughed over them.

"Alright, you two are going to be late for your date! You deserve some time for yourself, so get!"

Soul and Maka smiled and gave their kids and Vale a kiss before Tsubaki more or less pushed them out the door.

What Star and Tsu didn't know was that, Maka and Soul's date was not what they thought. It was more of an appointment. Maka was finally twelve weeks along in her pregnancy and they were going to make sure everything was in order before they told everyone the news.

Maka and Soul were glowing in happiness. Maka had never felt better. No morning sickness or pain, just tiredness. They had considered finding out the sex of the baby, but they were curious to see if Amara would get it right again. She doesn't seem to suspect the pregnancy though, so there was that.

Maka was nearly shaking with excitement when she climbed out of the car and made her way into the clinic. There was nothing better than being told that their baby was happy and healthy. Nothing else mattered to the pair than that.

"You excited?" Maka asked Soul as they sat in the waiting room after checking in. Soul gave her a smirk, but she could see the elation in his eyes.

"Yah, I can't wait," he told her. "I'm more excited to tell everyone though. I think they'll be pretty happy. This is the coolest thing ever."

Maka giggled. They were called into the doctors office before she could reply.

The appointment was going very smoothly. Maka had told the Doctor all of her symptoms and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The Doctor didn't seem worried at all, which only added to Soul and Maka's elation. It was only when they were about to receive their first scan of the baby when the Doctor's face changed.

"Oh," the Doctor murmured, adjusting slightly. Soul and Maka's face dropped.

"What?" Maka asked sternly. "What is it?"

The Doctor smiled apologetically before looking back at the scan. Soul squinted at the image. What was wrong?

"Is there a problem?" He asked quietly.

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