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Everyone else seemed to forget how to move but Soul. He took a few steps closer, his brow narrowed in disbelief, like he didn't want to allow himself to believe what he was seeing.

"Maka?" he asked again, his voice deep.

"Soul, I – I'm so sorry," she cried openly, but didn't move from her spot. Soul shook his head slowly before falling a few steps back. He just went hours – hours – truly believing that Maka was dead. He believed his Maka, his best friend, girlfriend and the mother of his children, was dead.

Maka watched his face with a heart broken expression before allowing her soul to flow into his. Soul's eyes closed slowly and he enveloped the soul that felt just as familiar to him than his own. It was then that it hit him. Maka wasn't dead. She was right there in front of him.

"Kids," He murmured as he took a step towards her. Then another. "Kids!"

Soul nearly reached her when he heard little feet scurrying into the living room, then stop abruptly.

Soul didn't turn. He just fell to his knees and hugged Maka around the waist and release his first sob as he heard his children scream for their mother.



They all ran, stumbling towards her as he did. He felt their little arms pulling and prying at him. He opened his arms before wrapping them back around Maka's hips, his children locked in the embrace.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it…" Amara sobbed, her face buried in Maka's side. Soul lifted a hand up to hold her face.

"You did, sweetie," he said thickly, but tried to give his daughter a smile.

Eventually, their friends cut in. They all wanted to hug Maka nearly as much as they did.

"Maka," Blackstar nearly crushed her in a hug, crying quietly as he held her. Soul watched her eyes widen before wrapping her arms around him. Soul realised it hadn't hit him that she was really okay yet – It probably wouldn't till he could really talk to her.

"Blackstar," she whispered before pulling away and grinning. "You're one of the reasons that I'm alive."

Blackstar pulled back, his eyes shining with tears but confused. "What do you mean?"

"The witches were still there after the bomb – They were waiting for those who survived to reveal themselves so they could…" She trailed off, not wanting the children to hear.

"How did I help?" Blackstar asked, still confused. Maka grinned, though her eyes glittered with unshed tears.

"'Dissolve in the darkness and erase your breath…'" she recited quietly. Blackstar's eyes widened before he pulled her into another bone-crushing hug.

"You fucking idiot," Soul just about heard him say. "I'm so glad you're okay. We all thought –"

"I know," Maka said, her eyes falling back on Soul's face and narrowing. She pulled away from Star and looked at his face. "I think I need a minute with Soul. Will you guys take the kids upstairs?"

Blackstar nodded. She hugged the rest of their friends and pulled each of her children into loving hugs, relishing at the feeling of them in her arms. Eventually, they filtered upstairs and Maka was alone with Soul.

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