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"Now, where's my little girl," Soul stage whispered loudly as he heard a quiet giggle from behind the couch. He grinned.

"Is she... Behind the curtain!" He exclaimed as he whipped the curtain forwards to reveal no one. He hummed loudly as he pretended not the hear the hysterical laughter from behind the huge leather couch.

"Hmm," he shook his head in confusion. "Where on earth could she be?"

"Is she..." he prolonged the word as he watched Amara scurry from behind to couch to crouch under the dining room table. "Behind the couch!"

She laughed loudly again.

"...Hmm." Soul sighed loudly as he sauntered towards the table. "I guess she just disappeared. Poor, poor Amara. I guess she won't get see all her friends at school today."

He barely got the last word out as Mara scurried from under to table. Soul shrieked in mock surprise as she wrapped her arms around his thighs.

"No Papa, I'm right here," she near enough screeched. Soul chuckled but shushed her.

"Quiet down baby, Mama's still in bed," Amara gasped and nodded seriously. Soul laughed.

"Why is Mama so tired, Papa?" The little girl asked as she pulled her backpack straps over her shoulders. Soul helped her adjust them.

"Because she's carrying a baby, sweetheart," he told her as he fastened her jacket. "And because it's got so big, they keep her up at night, so she gets very sleepy." Mara hummed and nodded thoughtfully before her eyes lit up!

"I know!" she cried, but then faltered. "Oh. I have to go to school." Soul smiled and ruffled her hair.

"It's okay baby, whatever your idea was, you can do it when you're home."

That seemed to console her. She smiled brightly as there was a light rap on the door. Soul stood.

"Auntie Tsu's here to take you to school. You ready?" Amara nodded brightly.

"Tell Mama I love her, and I'll help her get some sleep tonight okay?" she chimed as she was led from the house by Tsubaki, who smiled fondly. Soul grinned and nodded.

"Of course, baby. Now, go have a great day. Love you."

"I love you too!"

Soul was still chuckling lightly as he shut the door quietly behind them. He turned on his heels to make his way to his and Maka's room.

He didn't make it to the door before Maka stumbled out. She rubbed the back of her bed mussed head as her green orbs landed on Soul.

"Did Mara already leave?" she asked mid yawn. Soul chuckled softly before wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.

"Yah, Tsubaki just picked her up," he rubbed her back as she groaned. "How are you feeling, baby? How far are we now, anyways?"

Maka groaned again before looking at the calendar. She huffed.

"Five months," she muttered as she pushed her head against Soul's chest. "And a half." Soul hummed gently.

"No wonder you're starting to show more," he commented as he rested a hand on her swollen belly, not noting how Maka stiffened. "They're really getting big, aren't they?"

Maka didn't reply. Soul was about to ask her if she was okay before she pushed him away and turned around, leaving Soul befuddled.

"Maka?" He asked as he heard her whimpering. His eyes grew wide. What just happened?

"You – You think I'm fat," she exclaimed in between sobs. Soul nearly laughed out loud in shock.

"What?" he asked, his voice jumped a few octaves higher in shock. Maka continued to cry, much to Soul's disbelief.

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