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"Are you packed yet? Tsubaki's waiting!"

"I'm nearly finished, I promise!"

Soul sighed and then looked at his watch. "Okay, well don't try and carry that suitcase over on your own, alright? I'll carry it."

He heard what sounded like an agreement before he sauntered up to Amara's room.

"Sweetie?" he knocked on the door softly before pushing it open. "You ready?"

"Si papa! (Yes, Daddy!)" she called as he made his way into the room. He watched in amusement as she tried to pick up her heavy backpack full of her favourite toys. Maka packed all her clothes into her and Soul's case, but they agreed she could fill her own bag with whatever toys she wanted to bring.

"Ho bisogno di aiuto, piccola? (Need some help, baby?)" he asked teasingly as she huffed.

"Yes please, Daddy." She frowned and then smiled up at him. "I answered in English!" Soul laughed lightly before scooping her up to cover her cheek with kisses.

"Yes, you did, my clever girl!"

"Soul, Amara!" Maka's lilting voice called them softly. "Ready to go?"

"Yes!" They answered together, then laughed. Soul picked up Amara's bag with ease, while she remained in his arms, and hurried down the stairs, ignoring her muttering "Show off," in Italian. He was met with the sight of Maka wearing her hair in two low pigtails, framing her face which was glowing with excitement. She wore a thick winter coat, which barely fit around her bulging stomach and snow boots, just like himself and Amara were wearing. Soul felt the breath catch in his throat at her beauty. Then his eyes narrowed.

"Maka, I said I was going to carry the bag!" he complained as he put Amara down gently and tugged the suitcase handle from Maka's grasp. Maka rolled her eyes.

"I only wheeled it from the room, Soul," she chided him. "No heavy lifting. Baby's fine."

She cradled her bump lovingly. She was really big now, but she still had a little way to go. Soul's chest swelled with pride at the shape of her bump, then it melted as he watched Amara scurry over the hug Maka around her waist the best she could.

"Come sta il mio fratellino oggi? (How is my baby brother today?)" Amara asked lightly before pressing a small peck to the bump. Maka laughed lightly and stroked her daughter's hair.

"Why are you so sure it's a boy?" Maka asked softly, her fingers still weaving through Amara's snowy locks. "It might be another little girl."

Amara just grinned knowingly, and answered as simply as she always did: "I just know."

Her parent's shook their heads fondly before scurrying her from the apartment and downstairs to Tsubaki's waiting car.

The journey really wasn't so bad. Maka was comfy enough. Blackstar sat in the front beside Tsubaki, his hand resting sweetly on her knee as she drove carefully through the thickening snow. The snow got thicker the further up north they got, much to Maka's delight. Maka had two seats to herself, as Amara sat on Soul's lap to give her a little more room. Their luggage fit into the back easily, thanks to Tsubaki's sizable car.

Maka was nodding off when she heard Tsubaki squeal quietly.

"Almost there, guys. Ten more minutes." Maka's chest swelled in excitement.

Eventually, they drove up a long drive that opened up to expose tens of beautiful grand looking cottages. Each cottage had a generous area of land around them, so it was very private and secluded. They each had a front and back garden, both whited out with the glorious snow, and beautiful wooden structures, with thick wooden walls. Maka had to supress a squeal of her own as Tsubaki stopped at their very own, large and gorgeous cottage.

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