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"Okay Mara, I think that's enough for today,"

Amara stood up from her knees on the ground to hug Tsubaki in thanks. Her body felt sore and clammy but she was surprised to say that she kind of liked it. She had been training with Tsubaki for nearly a year now and grew to like being a weapon more and more. Tsubaki told her what an honour it was to protect and fight with your meister. The dangers were a little scary but Amara figured she wouldn't have to do anything that dangerous for a long time.

"Thanks Tsubaki, I liked it," Tsubaki laughed.

"You seem to be liking it more and more every time we train," Tsubaki commented while they walked from the clearing of grass and towards her car. "It makes me sad to tell you that we're going to have to stop for a while."

"What?" Amara came to an abrupt stop behind her, a small frown on her face. Tsubaki smiled.

"I'm going to have a baby," Tsubaki said softly. "So, Blackstar thinks that I – "

Tsubaki was cut off when Amara ran forwards to hug her, quickly but gently. Tsubaki squealed then laughed musically.

"Oh, è così fantastico! Sono così felice per te! [Oh, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm so glad you're pleased! I was worried that you might be disappointed." Tsubaki laughed.

"Well, I'll miss training but I understand. I'll be fine without training for a while."

Tsubaki smiled but nodded seriously.

"It might be quite a long while. The baby won't come for another seven months and even after that I have to look after them." Amara nodded.

"I understand Auntie Tsu."

Amara did understand but she didn't expect to miss training as much as she did. It had been a couple of weeks when she built up the courage to talk to her Dad. She was at home playing with Masen when she decided to bring it up with her parents.

"So, Dad…" She began slowly, her eyes staying on the face of her smiling baby brother. Masen was one now, and sitting up.

"Yes…" Her Dad hummed without look up from his paperwork whilst sat on the couch.

"So, I was thinking – "

"No, you can't have a cat."

"Not that!" Amara whined. Her father laughed and looked up at her, amusement alight in his eyes.

"Okay, what is it?"

"So, I know I really didn't want to be a weapon and I caused a lot of trouble because of it – "

"I'll say," her mother called from the kitchen. Amara blushed.

"I know, I'm sorry!" she groaned. "But – Ever since Tsubaki and me have been training I really, really… I don't know, I think I like it. It feels right."

Maka slowly walked in the room and saw Soul's face light up with a crooked smile. Maka grinned at her daughter.

"Oh, sweetie that's wonderful! What changed?"

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