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It was nearly half seven when Soul started getting a little worried.

He'd spoken to Maka that morning, and she said she'd be making her way to the airport at six and call him from the cab. Maka was always very quick with calls, always ringing right on the dot. So when it hit half six Soul was a little confused and tried to ring her. Her phone went straight to voice message.

Another hour passed and Soul could officially state that he was worried. Maybe she had just forgotten and gotten on the plane without calling. She was due to arrive back in Nevada at eleven. So maybe she'd call him when she landed.

Even then, Soul didn't feel right leaving it another few hours before being sure that she was safe. He knows that the mission was no combat but that didn't mean that they didn't face danger whenever they went anywhere. They still had enemies, and even then she could have simply gotten sick or hurt herself on her own.

Soul finally caved and grabbed his phone again. The kids were fine, they knew their mother was meant to be home late, and he didn't want to worry them. He rang her phone once more and when she didn't pick up, he dialled Kid's number instead.


"Hi, Kid," Soul began, but Kid didn't let him speak.

"I was just about to call," Kid sounded tense. Soul frowned. "Have you heard from Maka?"

"No, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," Soul replied slowly. "She was meant to ring me a couple hours ago but didn't, and now I can't get through to her cell."

"Ah," Kid went quiet for a moment. Soul clutched the phone tighter.

"Kid, what's going on?"

It was quiet for a long moment.

"I'm not sure yet," Kid said quietly. "All of a sudden, all of our contact to Oceania was cut off. Just like that."

"Just like that?" Soul repeated. "That doesn't make any sense. No one can even contact you through the mirrors?"

"No one has, and I can't get through either." Kid told him, his voice strained. "It's like… Like someone has locked me out. I don't understand it at all."

"Kid, Maka is there." Soul said sharply.

"I know, I know," Kid told him, his voice still strained. "And I'm doing everything I can from my end. We didn't even realise till a few minutes ago. It's like it was hidden from our knowledge."

"Again, you're not making any sense."

"That's because it doesn't make sense, Soul." Kid said lowly. "What does that remind you of?"


"Exactly. Obviously something is being tampered with here. And by magic."

Soul was about to reply when he heard a small voice from the doorway.


Amara was stood in her pyjamas, her curly hair unkept and her eyes narrowed.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. Soul pulled the phone away from his face and nodded.

"Yah sweetie. Just trying to sort something out. Your brothers and sister okay?"

"Yeah, we're just playing in the living room." She turned on her heels, though her eyes still held worry. "You coming back soon?"

"Yes, I won't be much longer."

Amara nodded and made her way back into the living room. Soul felt a horrible gnawing in his stomach, like worry was trying to eat its way into his back and restrain him. He shook the feelings away and pressed to phone back to his ear.

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