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Soul nearly tripped over himself as he made his way back into the apartment. He picked up some shopping while coming home from dropping the kids off at school and nursery. He grunted. He would have to get ready to go out again once he put the food away. Maka and him had only seen Tsubaki, Star and the baby a few times since she was born. Maka had been bugging him to be ready to leave when he got home.

"Okay," he called after putting the last of the shopping away. "Maka, you ready?"

Soul brushed his hands off as he made his way into the living room. He found it a little strange that Maka didn't help him put the food away. She usually never allowed him to put things away on his own. She'd come scurrying in, saying he was doing it all wrong and take over.

"Maks?" He called again. She wasn't in the living room. Maybe she was tidying their room, he did leave in a bit of a hurry. He turned the corner towards their room and pushed their door open. He frowned.

"Where the hell is she?" he murmured, before calling out again. "Maka!"

"Oh, please shut up," Soul looked down at the bed when he heard a small whimper. He squinted his eyes.


The bed shuffled a little when her small head popped out of the top of the crumpled sheets. He looked at the clock on their nightstand. 11 AM. Maka always got up at the crack of dawn, 9 AM was a sleep in for her. He rounded the bed to sit beside her.

"Jeez Maka, you sick?" He pressed a hand to her forehead. She felt fine.

"No," she muttered, blinking her eyes open slowly. "I'm just a little tired."

"Still? You've been going to bed early every night. You're usually always up later than me."

"I don't know – I'm just worn out, I guess."

Soul arched a brow but nodded slowly. He guesses that's plausible.

"Sure. You still up for seeing Tsu, Star and the baby? They're expecting us."

"Oh, yeah," Maka groaned, burying her face in the pillow. "Soul, would you mind going without me? They'd be disappointed if we both didn't show."

"I guess. I'll take pictures of Val."

"Tsubaki said it's pronounced Vale if you're not going to call her by her full name."

"Isn't a valet someone who drives someone's car at a hotel?"

"It's not valet Soul, it's just pronounced the sa – You know what? Just call her Valentina."

"Fine, fine, Val - ay." He confirmed and Maka laughed and nodded. He grumbled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I'll be home in an hour. Call if you need me, kay?"

Maka had already nodded off before he'd finished speaking. He frowned at her still form – It did seem unlike her but she had been busy. He shrugged it off and pulled the door closed behind him.

"Soul! Oh come in, come in!"

Soul had barely said hello before a frazzled and glowing Tsubaki ushered him into the house. He made his way into the living room to find Blackstar crouched on the floor in a position he was very familiar with, making funny faces at his tiny baby daughter.

"Ahhhhhhh – Boo boo boo boo boo boo..." He vocalised, making the tiny baby screech happily with laughter. Tsubaki's face glowed watching them.

"Hi Star," Soul said with a smile. "Looks like you're in your element."

"Jeez, and I thought I loved your kids," Star told him, his eyes never leaving his daughter. He eventually looked up at Soul and scanned the room. "Where's Maka?"

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