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The lullaby is a song my Mam used to sing to me as a kid, I don't know where it's from. But it ain't original, I don't own it.

~Two Months Later~

It had been an entire two months since Amara had moved in with Soul and Maka, and a month since they had moved into their own apartment. It was simply amazing. It's on the eighth floor of the apartment building, (out of ten floors) and had a balcony, big enough to fit an outside table there. The balcony consisted of the entire left wall, it all being a huge glass window to expose, both the balcony and the view. The front door opened up into the living room, which was near enough the size of Maka and Soul's entire old apartment. A door leads into the spacious kitchen and a door beside the kitchen leads into a small hallway showing two more doors, Maka and Soul's rooms.

Amara's room was on the second floor. There was a small staircase beside the huge window that lead to another small hallway where there were two more doors. One led into Amara's brand new bedroom and the other door led into a new office for Soul, which meant now he could work from home with all of the paper work sent from Lord Death instead of missions since Death pitied them and Spirit was still active as a Death Scythe.

Soul had grown to adore Amara more and more each day and she him and Maka. He knew Maka more or less saw the small white haired girl as a daughter and that surprised him more than it scared him. He and Maka were never a "thing", though he cannot deny he had thoughts about that kind of thing, he couldn't say him and Maka had even been close to that.

He sat lounged on their new, L-shaped leather couch as Amara was at school. Soul was leaning lazily in the corner of the couch, his arm draped over the back of it as Maka sat on the other end, her legs curled up to her with her nose stuck in her book.

"Hey, Soul..." she said quietly, breaking the comfortable silence of the apartment. Soul opened out eye to look at her. She hadn't looked up from her book.

"What?" He drawled, Maka closed her book to face him, her expression thoughtful.

"Do you think Amara might have weapon blood?" she asked suddenly. Soul blinked open his other eye to look at her incredulously before humming lowly in contemplation.

"I guess it's a possibility," he allowed. "The weapon blood skipped about four generations before mine awakened. Wes may have had the gene and passed it to her, just depends on whether it awakens or not."

She nodded before arching a brow, leaning in closer to him. "How old were you when your blood awakened?" she asked curiously. Soul, for some reason, gulped at her closeness and leaned back as she leaned in, suddenly very aware of her scent and how her top fell down her left shoulder.

"I was twelve," he told her after clearing his throat, eyeing her warily. "I had a fight with my uncle, he was the one who took me and Wes in after our folks died, and I went to punch my wall. I was only a kid, did it countless times before but my arm turned to a scythe before it hit. I broke through the wall, near gave Uncle Enzo a heart attack. I came here, what? Two days after? Fucking hated that place, I was thrilled to leave."

Maka frowned, her interest in the activation of his weapon blood shifting to his childhood after his parents passing. "Why did you hate it so much?" she asked. Soul sighed, rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully before responding.

"You know my folks died in a car crash?" he said, stifling a wince as that was how Wes and his wife had died also, and the pain of that loss was still pretty fresh. Maka nodded.

"Well, they were in that car because of me," he admitted. "I got into trouble at school when I was around eight, I was a little shit. The teachers called in my parents for a meeting and when we were driving hold my father was scolding me. He wasn't that mad, just being a Dad, you know? Anyways, he must have lost track of the road 'cause he lost control and hit a tree. I was the only one in a secure seat, if I'd have sat anywhere else I would've been dead." He swallowed thickly, shrugging at Maka.

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