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"I don't know…"

"I do, you're ready." Soul told Amara as he waited for her to exit the car. "You're eleven now. I thought you were excited to find your partner."

"I was…" Amara murmured, glaring out of the window anxiously. "Do I really have to climb all those stairs?"

"Yes and don't change the subject," Maka cut in, grinning at her daughter. "Go on. And remember – Don't worry if you don't find your partner today. Some meet them right away and some have to wait a while. Be patient."

Amara nodded and grimaced. Now all she had to do was open the door.

"Okay." Her father got out of the car to round it and pull her door open. He looked at her pointedly. "Let's go. Want me to walk you up the stairs?"

Amara shook her head furiously. She didn't want to hurt her father's feelings but that wouldn't look very cool.

"Thank Death, that would be so uncool," her father mumbled, surprising her. Amara giggled and gave him a hug.

"I love you, Dad," she whispered. He just laughed gruffly and patted her back.

"I love ya too, kid. Now hurry up. You're cramping my style."

Amara laughed but nodded. She looked back into the car to smile at her mother and brother.

"You good, Mara?" Masen asked from the backseat, his crimson eyes warm. She grinned. Her eyes fell onto the twins. They were two now, and so beautiful, but both were asleep in the very back seats. Amara smiled and looked back to Masen to smile.

"Yeah, Mase. I love you."

"Love ya too."

"We'll see you after school, sweetie."

"Yes, Mama,"

"Oh my Death, go!" Her father grabbed her shoulders and pushed her towards the stairs. She grumbled good naturedly but went.

The stairs weren't so bad. Amara crossed some students really struggling up there, and then others were more or less soaring. But she climbed them comfortably enough, though she did break into a small sweat by the time she reached the top.

"Finally," she murmured as she took in the full view of the academy. It was beautiful – that much was so. She even took in the perfect symmetry her Uncle Kid always told her to look out for.

Thankfully, Amara already knew a few people. Growing up in Death City and training from such a young age meant she would inevitably run into other meister's and weapons, of all ages. She saw a few girls she recognised from the clearing she used to train in with Aunt Tsubaki and they waved her over. Amara beamed and started to walk.

She had nearly reached them when she tripped and tumbled into someone. She felt her face burn in embarrassment as she fell into the arms of a slightly taller person.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Oh!" she gasped, instinctively grasping their forearms. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Amara looked up to find very annoyed, but very handsome brown eyes. They were angry and narrow. It was as if he was trying to make them cold, but she had never fallen into eyes so warm. It was a boy. He was a good few inches taller than her, which was odd since she was tall, but she suspected her wasn't her age. A year or two older maybe. His hair was a shaggy but stylish chestnut brown. Immediately, she felt a very standoffish nature about him, but that wasn't all there was to him. She could feel it. The way she always could.

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