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"Oh my DEATH, this is just getting ridiculous!"

Soul looked at his girlfriend in sympathy. Unlike Masen, the twins pregnancy was going smoothly and surely. But unlike Masen, they were in no hurry to be born. Maka was more than two weeks overdue and, understandably, getting very uncomfortable.

It was odd. Masen was born so early and so suddenly that they didn't realise they never reached this stage. The stage where you're actually meant to be having the baby. Well - Babies. It was the waiting. The anticipation.

And of course, the impatienceness.

Maka was big. It made Soul feel stupid that he thought she was big when she was with Masen, (But obviously, he wouldn't make the mistake of saying that again) but it was definitely a very different pregnancy.

Yes, she didn't get the morning sickness or nausea. But she was very sore and tired. Really tired.

But she did it. Soul could still remember her expression when she finally made it to forty weeks. He'd never seen her so happy. They packed their bag, organised a baby sitter (Tsu and Star) for the kids and were ready to go to the hospital the moment her water broke.

Then a few days passed.

Then a week.

Then two weeks.

Now Maka was just plain irritable. Soul understood this completely, he couldn't imagine how uncomfortable she must feel.

"Soul, why are you just standing there gawking," she snapped and he broke out of his gaze. "Snap out of it and help me up."

Soul smiled apologetically and helped her stand. She grunted in thanks and hobbled over to the bathroom.

"Do you want anything to eat? Drink?" he asked carefully. It seemed anything he could think to say could upset her.

"Um," she paused and turned around. "Can I have a – Oh."

Oh Death, Soul didn't know the sound of Maka in pain could send such joy through him. He scampered forward when she reached out a hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa – Easy, Maks," he droned as he caught her. Her hands clutched his forearms while she bent down and tried to breathe through the pain.

"I – It's – One sec." she managed to gasp out. This sent another wave of excitement thorough Soul. The doctor had said that if she couldn't speak or move during the pain it was most likely the real deal. She'd had a few practice contractions, as they were called, and she could talk all the way through them.

"Maka?" Soul asked again, he voice going down an octave. She continued to breathe through the pain. After a minute she inhaled and stood up straight. Her eyes bright and excited.

"Okay?" she started. "Okay. They – They said time them! When they're five minutes apart we can go to the hospital."

Soul nodded and snatched a quick glance at his watch to catch the time. He really hoped that this meant it was time. He helped Maka into the living room before heading back towards the kitchen to get her some water.

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