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Maka fumbled for words as she sat before her father. Spirit was growing more and more uneasy by the second. Soul let out a long puff of air from beside Maka and winced as she clutched his hand too painfully. Maka looked up as her dad started to mutter quietly, obviously trying to break the tension. She only caught a few sentences.

" - and hey, if this is about your obvious new relationship, there's no need to explain..." Spirit fumbled for words. "It's pretty clear, and kinda inevitable. I still wish you would have a few years to get so serious, you know, raising a kid and all-"

Maka winced.

"But I understand the circumstances," he raised his hands up. "And I know you're doing the right thing, by both of you. Hey, I love that little girl, and know she adores you guys. But, hey do I look old enough to be a Grandpa? Don't answer that. It's just-"

"Dad," Maka quickly interrupted. She eyed her father fondly and somewhat nervously. Their relationship had been going steady ever since she turned eighteen and he pulled his act together. She respected him now. As he respected her and Soul.

So, she knew the news of her pregnancy wouldn't be easy to break to him.

Maka remembered the night before with sudden clarity.

"Maka, we need to tell your Dad," Soul told her patiently as she finished up the dishes. He found her there after putting Mara to bed. "The longer we leave it, the more upset he'll be."

Maka dropped the dish she was washing. She hesitated.

"It's only been a few weeks since you've known," she said slowly. "I'm sure he'd understand us needing to get used to the idea ourselves before telling people." She nodded to herself, happy with her reasoning. Soul narrowed his eyes.

"But we're already 'used' to the idea," he said dryly. "Why are you putting this off? He'll probably be thrilled."

Maka looked at him innocently.

"I don't know what you mean." She shrugged. "I'd just like a little more time to think about how to tell him. Why don't we tell our friends first? Now, they'd be thrilled."

Soul scoffed.

"Yah, and I'm sure your Dad would be thrilled if we told him last." Maka groaned. Soul sighed in exasperation "C'mon, spit it out Maks. What's wrong?"

Maka hung her head in defeat before leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Okay, don't judge me," she eyed him sternly. "I - I'm scared, Soul."

Soul's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"You. Maka. Scared of - "

"I know, I know," Maka snapped. "It probably sounds stupid. But you haven't heard the way he speaks about couples having kids under the age of thirty! He'll kill me!"

Soul narrowed his eyes.

"Wait, wasn't your Dad only, what - eighteen when he had you? You're twenty-two."

"That's why he has such strong opinions on it," Maka threw her hands up in frustration. "He and Mama had a horrible marriage, and to be blunt, I took to brunt of most the crap that went down."

Maka rolled her eyes.

"He made it very clear in all of his rants that he never regretted me," she smiled fondly despite herself. "He just regrets what he put me through. He said he was too young, as was Mama. He's always warned me, 'take it slow, don't rush, all in good time' and I always agreed with him!" Maka could feel herself bordering hysterical. But, how could she not? She could feel the fear gnawing in her stomach.

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