Spock's New Hair (Bones x Reader)

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Bones was sitting in his office going through some paper work when you casually walked in and closed the door.

"Why are you here?" Bones asked with a sigh.

"I'm taking a nap in your office while hiding from Spock" You replied before settling in
one of the comfy chairs.

"No now get out" Bones glared at you.

"But Bones! It's either hide here or in your room" You whined.

"Go hide in my room then and let me work woman" Bones replied.

"I'm already here plus it gives me an excuse to see you" You shrugged.

"What'd ya do to piss Spock off this time?" Bones sighed.

"You'll see" You smirked before you both heard a knock at the door.

"Doctor McCoy is Lieutenant Pike with you?" Spock almost growled.

"...........No........" Bones replied after a few seconds.

"When you see her tell her to report to the Captain" Spock said before leaving.

"Ok seriously what did you do?" Bones looked to you when he was sure Spock was gone.

"I cut his hair when he was asleep. He's a deep sleeper so he made it to easy.....Oh and I
drew a moustache on his upper lip and a goatee on his chin" You replied.

"I need to see this" Bones stood up to leave.

"Wait if you leave I'm vulnerable for Spock's revenge!" You shrieked going over to him.

"Come on I'll stay with ya" Bones rolled his eyes and held his hand out to you. You
hesitantly accepted his hand and he walked out of his office with you a step behind him.
You both walked to the bridge and entered making everyone look at you both. Bones opened
his mouth to say something before seeing Spock. You almost face-palmed when Bones fell to
the floor laughing at Spock's new Mohawk.

"Dear god you broke Bones" Kirk fake gasped.

"Lieutenant Pike" Spock growled standing up. You saw he still had the marker on his face so
you broke down laughing again. Suddenly Pike appeared on screen and didn't notice Spock who
was behind a monitor glaring at you.

"Captain Kirk.....What's up with those two?" Pike pointed to you and Bones who were still

"They saw Spock" Kirk said over the laughter.

"What's wrong with Spock?" Pike asked.

"Spock come're" Kirk said smirking. Spock sighed and walked over to Kirk so Pike could see

"Dear lord" Pike said.

"Blame your daughter sir" Spock growled out.

"I had a feeling she was behind it" Pike nodded.

"I'm sorry it's just too funny" You laughed still on the floor beside Bones who had calmed
down slightly.

"Sorry Spock but its hilarious" Bones said standing up.

"(Y/n) why must you target Spock?" Pike asked.

"He's an easy target" You defended as Bones helped you up.

"Leave Spock alone or I will ground you so fast you won't know what happened" Pike

"Fine I'll leave Spock alone" You sighed.

"Good" Pike smirked slightly while trying not to laugh at Spock.

"Come on" Bones said before you both left back to the med bay.

"I thought you just trimmed his hair or something" Bones commented.

"Nah I thought he'd appreciate the Mohawk" You replied.

"You used permanent marker didn't you?"

"You should see his torso, back, arms and legs"

"Remind me never to piss you off"

"Wise choice babe"



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