Relatives (Sam x Chubby!Reader)

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Family reunions were something that (Y/N) did not enjoy. Going alone was never fun and made it a lot more difficult to tolerate her family but, thankfully, Sam had agreed to join her on her trip to visit her relatives.

Sam had managed to make the trip more enjoyable. From the flight that felt as though it would never end to the disaster that was booking into their hotel room, he made it enjoyable. He still had a smile on his face and whispered jokes in her ear when her nerves were running high.

Despite having him near and making this trip feel more like a daydream than a nightmare, the second that they arrived at her childhood home, it didn't stop her heart from dropping.

With the sound of her relatives laughing inside and the shadows of all of the people inside she was tempted to jump back into the taxi before anyone had the chance to notice them. Sam had, sadly, wrapped his arm around her waist before she had the chance to make her daring escape. They walked up to the front door.

Their hands hadn't touched when it swung open to reveal (Y/N)'s mother standing there with a little bit too much foundation and eyeshadow plastered on her face.

"(Y/N), you're finally here!" Her mother pulled her into a hug. Her perfume hit her faster than that scent of food. "I wasn't sure you were going to make it this time."

"I've been busy, sorry."

Her mother's attention turns to Sam. "And you must be the lucky man!"

She pulls him into a hug. (Y/N) hides that laugh that bubbles in her throat with a cough as he awkwardly returns the gesture.

"If I'm being honest, I never thought that anyone would be able to snatch her up."

"Mum!" (Y/N) says. Her mother smiles and shakes her head. She allows the couple in and takes their coats.

Relatives that she had not seen since she was a child greet her. They smile, they talk, they speak with Sam and then she moves onto the next person. She listens to them ramble on about events that have happened since she last seen them. A few mention her weight - some were rude while others were trying their best to be polite. She ignores the comments and buries the angst and pain deep within her, pushing back the urge to be as rude as they were to her.

It isn't until she hears on last comment, from someone that knew how the word affected her, that her demeanor broke.

"It's because she's fat." Her brother says to his friend, unaware of the fact that his sister is in earshot of their conversation.

"Excuse me." She hands her drink to Sam and makes her way upstairs to the bathroom.

Sam shouts on her several times but gives in when he receives no reply. After bumping into one more relative on the way to the bathroom (Y/N) locks herself inside. She leans against the sink and sucks in deep breaths.

She thought that he was over say such horrible things. She thought that he had grown up since the last time they had seen each other. Apparently not. Apparently he was still calling her names under his breath. He was still treating her like crap and acted as if the world revolved around him.

"(Y/N)?" Sam knocks on the door. "You in there?"

"Y-Yeah," She stutters. "Just give me a sec."

"Let me in, will ya?"

She taps her fingers against the porcelain. He requests that he allows her into the bathroom a few more times. She unlocks the door and sits down on the closed toilet lid. Sam slips in to the bathroom. He locks the door once he's inside.

He blows raspberries into the air. He pats the sides of his thighs before asking, "What's up?"

"Did you not hear any of them in there?" She responds, glaring at him.

"To be honest I was too busy having my cheeks squeezed by your gran who kept mentioning how I was a tall strong boy that obviously drank his milk."

"That isn't my fault."

"Listen," He kneels in front of her. "Don't listen to a word that they say, okay? Not all of them are exactly in great shape themselves. I know that was rude to say but they shouldn't be saying such things especially as you're their family."

"But they're right though,"

"No they're no-"

"No they are, Sam. I-I've always been fat and coming here just gave me a reason to be sick of it. I'm sick of people sneering at me in the street because of how much I weigh or hearing snide comments when I wear a certain outfit despite feeling good about myself. But you know what? Why can't I be both fat and pretty? Whenever you say 'you're not fat you're beautiful' why can't I be both?"

"Well, I suppose that you can be."

She nods. "Good," She stands. She fixes her dress. Sam stands with her. "Cause that's what I am and I'm not letting anyone tell me any different."

"Good," Sam nods. "Cause you shouldn't."


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