Chapter -5

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Liam was in his room when he heard someone calling his name, he came down only to find Zayn sitting on the couch but he wasn't alone. He walked towards "em.

"Hi, I am Charlie, your husband's best friend and Secretary. Pleased to meet you." Charlie said extending his hand. And Zayn rolled his eyes at his overexcited friend.

"I am Liam and the pleasure is all mine," Liam replied with a smile.

"I didn't see you at the wedding, were you out of town or..??" Liam trailed off.

"I was in Rome, doing something important and this idiot over here-" he turned to smack Zayn's head "just happened to get married when I was not here" Charlie responded.

"But I must say that you are handsome, but what are you doing with him? You should be with someone like me " Charlie declared.

"You are cocky" Liam chuckled.

"Is it a bad thing?" Charlie asked in a teasing tone.

"Well, it depends, I like cocky guys" Liam answered. Not minding that he was flirting with his husband's best friend when he was sitting right there.

"Ahh, I see." Charlie sent a mischievous smirk towards Zayn and turned to Liam and asked " Is there any reason you like cocky guys?"

"Yeah, they make good brothers" Liam replied, and let out a laugh when he saw the look on Charlie's face. He also noticed how Zayn's lips twitch at it.

"I'll go get coffee for you guys," Liam said and left the room. When he came back he saw Charlie sitting there alone doing something on his phone and Zayn was nowhere in sight.

"Zaynie went to change," Charlie said as if he read Liam's mind.

"You call him Zaynie?"

"Yeah, I can give you a nickname too" Charlie suggested.

"You can call me Li, that's what my family and friends call me," Liam told him.

"Fair enough"

Zayn came down and sat with them. Liam and Charlie talked, while Zayn just watched Liam talking, he noticed how his eyes would crinkle whenever he laughed at the jokes Charlie made, how his pink lips moved when he talked and mostly how happy he looked when he talked about his family.

After dinner when it was time for Charlie to leave, he said his 'bye' to Zayn and hugged Liam and said "Bye Li, it was nice talking to you, I had an amazing time."

"Bye Charlie, and as I said earlier, the pleasure is all mine," Liam replied smiling.

Zayn stood there, watching them not missing how Charlie called Liam 'Li' the name which even he haven't called him yet, and he might be jealous of the fact that how free Charlie and Liam got in just a few hours where it's almost a month he and Liam got married but the only conversations they had were so subtle that it can't be considered as conversation especially between a married couple. Lost in his thoughts he didn't realise that Charlie left, and his thoughts were broken by the sound of the door being closed.

"He seems a good guy," Liam said. Zayn just hummed.

"I liked him, it was easy to talk to him" Liam confessed.

"Of course, you would after all you like cocky guys, don't ya?" Zayn muttered quite rudely and left the room and went to his room. Zayn was angry and Liam doesn't know why. Liam was upset with what Zayn said, but couldn't say anything because he was confused thinking about what just happened.

Zayn couldn't sleep at all, he kept tossing and turning. He felt bad for what he said he doesn't have any idea why he said that. A part of him wanted to go out knock on Liam's door and say goodnight but he knows that now it's not the time. The next morning when Zayn woke up, he groaned when he realised he had to go office even though it was Saturday. He took a quick shower, he strolled to the living room where he found Liam sitting on the couch watching TV more like flipping through the channels. He looked dull and sad. However, he was surprised to see breakfast on the dining table.

He understood that Liam didn't want to come to his room. After he had his breakfast he left for his office without saying anything to Liam.

Liam was bored sitting all day long at home where he had no one to talk to. Having nothing to do, Liam thought of visiting his parents and that's what he did.

Meanwhile, Zayn was at his office, he wondered what Liam was doing, probably watching TV.

Niall was never the one who would sit at one place for hours, he would rather go out for a walk or would just stroll around the house. Sometimes he would just lie with Zayn and tell him to read a book for him, and that is one of the many other things that Zayn loved about Niall.

When Zayn reached home by 6 in the evening, he found it empty. He wondered about where he went, a tiny bit of him wanted to call Liam and ask where he was but he won't.

He was replying to his emails on his laptop when he heard the front door unlock. He saw Liam walking with a few bags in his hand. 'Did he go shopping? Obviously, he went shopping, there are shopping bags in his hands.' Zayn supposed himself. However, he was astonished to see remove a few containers containing homemade cookies,

"Where did you go?" Zayn found himself asking.

"To my parents' house," Liam replied dryly not meeting Zayn's eyes, completely immersed in setting the containers in the upper cabinets. He took some cookies out on a plate gave them to Zayn with a cup of coffee, and went back to the kitchen to prepare the dinner. Zayn ate the cookies silently not wanting to talk to Liam.

Dinner, well during the whole time Zayn felt as if he was eating alone. None of "em made any conversation, after dinner while Liam was doing the dishes, Zayn went to the living room to get his laptop that was when he saw a box full of DVDs and he knew that those were Liam's collection. He took a peek at the box and found the Toy Story Trilogy, a few of the other Disney movies, and the Marvel movies.

Sunday was spent in the same manner, Liam made lunch while Zayn was busy working, after lunch, they both left for their respective rooms. However, they received a visitor who turned out to be Trisha and Doniya.

After giving the formal greeting Zayn asked " Not that I mind but what are you guys doing here?". He had a suspicion that his mum and his sister are up to something.

"We came here to give you this," Doniya replied giving him a packet.

Zayn opened the packet and was shocked to find the flight tickets for him and Liam.

"What is it?" Liam asked not being able to hide his curiosity after the look at Zayn's face.

When he didn't get any reply from Zayn he turned to his mother in law and sister law were sitting expecting a reply from them at least.

"It's your honeymoon tickets to Switzerland, Li" Doniya replied.


Chapter 5 y'all.

Hope you like it.

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