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“Yeah Liam”

“Can I get nuggets?” Liam asked making Zayn look at him.

“You want nuggets?” Liam nodded as Zayn asked.

“Then seems like we are getting nuggets,” Zayn said making Liam smile wide.

“Anything else?” Zayn asked, focusing on the road.

“Can I get Ice-cream too?” Liam asked hesitantly.

“No" Zayn said without even looking at him.

“Why?” Liam whined.

“Because you haven’t fully recovered from the cold yet.”

“But Zayn-”

“No arguments Liam.” Zayn said using the stern voice that he uses for his employees.“And that pout isn’t gonna work this time, love. So stop pouting.” Zayn added when he saw Liam pouting with the corner of his eye.

Liam’s breath hitched when he heard that but thought that it might be a slip-up so he said nothing and was quiet for the rest of the journey. They stopped at the McDonald’s and got their nuggets, but Liam was still a bit upset with Zayn for not letting him have cream. Zayn did feel bad that he couldn’t get Liam an ice cream, but then again if he gets him an ice cream it would be compromising with Liam’s health and he can’t afford to do that. When they reached their apartment Liam went straight to his room not having a glance at Zayn. Zayn sighed and went to his room.

They had their dinner in silence and went to their respective rooms. Zayn was sitting in his room as usual working on his laptop when there was a knock on Zayn’s door.

“Come in”

“Zee” He heard Liam, he looked up to see him in messy hair, biting his lip and shifting from one foot to another.

“Do you want something, Liam?” he asked and Liam shook his head.

“Then can we talk later, Liam? I am a bit busy right now” Zayn asked looking back to his laptop. Liam mumbled an ‘okay’ and left the room and went to his room and sat on the bed waiting for Zayn.

Poor boy, he went to say sorry for ignoring him earlier and for behaving like a brat but seems like Zayn is mad at him.

“Liam, can I come in?” he saw Zayn poking his head in an hour or two later. He nodded his head and patted the spot on his bed, as a sign asking Zayn to sit near him.

“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Zayn asked making himself comfortable in the bed.

“Are you mad at me?” Liam asked startling Zayn with the question.

“No. Why would I be mad at you?” Zayn asked frowning because he can’t remember Liam doing something that he was supposed to be mad about.

“For ignoring you and for being a brat earlier. I am sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I was craving for ice-cream really bad. And you said I can’t have it-” he stopped his talking when he felt a finger on his lips.

“You’re rambling, Babe!”

"And No! I am not mad at you. I can’t be mad at you and even if I am mad at you it lasts only for 5-10 minutes. You know why?”  Zayn asked, seeing that Zayn haven’t removed his finger from his lips, he shook his head.

“Cause of your eyes,” Zayn whispered staring deep at his eyes. He removed his finger from Liam’s lips, Liam fluttered his eyes closed as Zayn brought his thumb to caress his eyelids.

“No matter how hard I try to stay mad at you, your puppy brown eyes make it hard for me. You have no idea how much power your eyes hold against me.” Zayn said, wiping a lone tear that betrayed Liam, which he had no idea about, well he was overwhelmed at different situations but hearing those words from Zayn is something else.

“You have no idea Li, how much I hate myself when I see tears in your eye, and how many times I wanted to kill myself for the times when I was the reason for your tears,” Zayn said.

Unable to control himself anymore Liam threw himself at Zayn hugging him tight sobbing in his chest.

“I am sorry, Baby. I am sorry.” Zayn whispered holding Liam tight as if he is scared of something. As if he doesn’t want to let Liam go, he feels like if he didn’t hold him tight enough Liam will leave him, he wants to hold Liam for the rest of his life.

“I’ll change myself Liam, but don’t leave me again. I have already lost someone important to me and I couldn’t do anything. And if I lose you I don’t know what I will do.” Liam lifted his head from Zayn’s chest and the sight broke him. His eyes were red, tears falling down his face.

“I am here to stay Zee, I will stay here unless and until you tell me to go,” Liam said wiping the tears from Zayn's cheek and rubbing his fingers over his cheekbones

“That’s never gonna happen I am not repeating my mistake once again. And if I ask you to leave me, just give a tight slap, yeah” Zayn said.

“Of course! Do you think that I would ever leave a chance to slap you? Never!” Liam said with a slight chuckle.

“Promise, you will be there with me in any kind of situation,” Zayn asked him in a broken voice which broke Liam even more.

“Cross my heart and hope to die, I am never leaving you again Malik,” Liam said with a small smile, which made Zayn smile and kiss his forehead.

And if they slept in each other’s arms holding each other tight. We don’t know.

Or maybe I do.


Chapter-16 is here
Hope you liked it. And did I make you cry?

Did you cry?
Cause I cried a lil while writing this chapter.

Anyways, See ya in the next chapter.

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