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The longest chap yet.

Zayn smiled seeing his husband sleeping peacefully with his hand under his shirt, around his torso. He didn't want to wake him up but they promised his mum they'd go there for lunch house.

"Liam" he whispered slowly "You have to get up"

He mumbled incoherent words, snuggling close to Zayn.

"Maa and Baba are gonna wait for us" Zayn said softly, massaging his hair. Liam hummed in response but made no move to get up.

With a smirk, Zayn slowly started kissing down Liam's neck in an attempt to get him out of his sleep-induced mind. Liam moaned softly when Zayn kissed his throat right where his birthmark is, encouraging Zayn
to continue. When Zayn paused to look at his face, he had a smile on his lips telling him to continue what he was doing.

As Zayn placed sweet kisses all over Liam's face, he snaked his hands around Zayn's neck, smiling lazily at him.

"Get up lazy bum." Zayn said, to which Liam shook
his head.

It was only when Zayn gave a small peck on his lips, Liam opened his eyes with a delightful smile.

"I don't wanna go anywhere" he said with a

Zayn swooned seeing his expression and was almost sure of having a dreamy look on his face.

"We have to go to the Maliks, that you promised to " Zayn said slowly.

Liam tightened his grip around as he replied "We can
postpone. I have an idea actually"

Zayn raised an eyebrow "And what might be that idea?"

"Why don't we stay all day in bed today and you can make love to me. How does that sound?" Liam said pulling down Zayn's shirt a bit and kissing down his collarbone.

"Sounds tempting maybe we can after we come home from my parents."

"I am going for a shower." Zayn said getting up unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall on the ground.
Liam stayed lying on the bed then he got up and went to the bathroom.

And maybe they took an hour or two to come out, you can assume that.


"How gracious of you to come so early" Trisha said sarcastically, as Zayn and Liam entered the house.

"I am sorry Maa. It's all Liam's fault" Zayn replied, from the corner of his eyes he can see Liam throwing a glare in his direction.

"And how was it my fault, care to explain!"

"You woke up late" Zayn replied shrugging.

"Excuse you, you came home late last night, which led us to have late dinner which resulted in sleeping late." Liam said crossing his arms on his chest.

"I woke up early this and then I woke you up but then it wasn't me-"

"Guys... Please" Zayn's dad interfered with them, raising his hands to be calm.

"I know my son is capable of doing everything you said," Trisha said, looking at her son-in-law.


"What? I know your weekend timings."

After lunch, Zayn and his Baba sat outside, watching Saf play with Loki while Trisha took her son-in-law to her bedroom.

"So... I see a lot of changes in my son" she started their conversation, looking at Liam with a smirk.

He blushed "All good, I hope"

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