Chapter -32

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"Zayn if you do that one more fucking time I will throw you out of the kitchen"

Liam and Zayn were in the kitchen for almost two hours making Shepherd's Pie and cinnamon coffee cake on Niall's demand more like Liam was trying to make and Zayn well... They were supposed to finish it in an hour to the most if only Zayn would have kept his hands to himself.

"Angry puppy?" Zayn said wrapping his arms around Liam's torso under his Tee, placing his chin on his husband's shoulder, dipping his face inhaling the scent of his lover.

"You smell good, like lemon" he continued leaving small kisses there.

"I do?" Liam asked adding the flour and filtered coffee to the mixture of eggs, cream butter.

Zayn hummed. "Did you change your cologne?"

"No, I didn't. Maybe this is the new bodywash I bought last week. It smells good but it doesn't last long."

He stopped what he was doing and covered his face with his hands, once he realised what he said, and Zayn pursed his lips trying not to laugh.

"Please tell me that I didn't just say that."

"Yes, you did"

"Ugh, Noooo" Liam whined.

"Aww, Lil pup embarrassed?"

"Why do I ALWAYS embarrass myself when I am with you?"

"Hey! None of that. It's just me." Zayn said pulling Liam to himself when he tried to get out of his hold.

While Ziam were busy in the kitchen, Niall was coming down from his room texting his wife, he took a peek in the kitchen and saw what they were doing, he smiled and shook his head and went back to his phone and that's when the doorbell rang. He went to open the door and when he did, he saw Trisha and Safaa-who were holding Trisha's hand (cause she is 8 leave me alone)-standing there and to say Trisha wasn't shocked to see her son's former love would be a lie, whereas Niall well he wasn't planning on meeting Zayn's parents(or anyone of the Maliks) anytime soon but well...

"Hi, Mama Malik. Please come in"

"Niall! What- How? Where is Zayn?"

"He is in the kitchen."

"What is he doing there? Don't tell me that he is cooking!"

"Why don't you see by yourself?"

Niall said and started walking towards the kitchen making Trisha, and there she saw her son and son-in-law (and mind you they were still in the position).

"Please tell me you guys aren't planning on doing the dirty in the place where you cook?" Trisha said making 'em pull away.

"Maa!? What are you doing here?" Zayn asked giving his mother a tight hug.

"Hi, Zayn beta! How are you? And to answer your question well I was missing you so...I am here." Trisha said returning the hug.


"ZAYNIEE," she said as her big brother lifted her and peppered her with kisses.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too, kiddo"

"I am here too you know," Liam said making Zayn and Safaa pull away from the hug, she squirmed in Zayn's arms telling him to put her down.



"I missed you as well"

"I missed you too...very much"

"I missed you more than I missed Zaynie."

Liam fake gasped and said "I am not telling him" while he tickled her sides making her giggle.

"He is happy," Trisha mumbled to Zayn who was standing by her side watching his Liam and sister who were now attacking Niall with their tickles. He hummed. "And I guess you have a lot of explaining to do" she continued when she pulled out of the hug and jabbed her thumb towards Niall. Zayn nodded.

"What were you both doing btw?"

"Liam was making cake and Sheppard's Pie for Niall and I was helping him."

"You were helping him? How exactly? Because from what I saw -"

"That's it Maa. Don't. Just don't."

"But beta-"


"ZAYN, THE PIE IS READY CAN YOU PUT THE CAKE BATTER IN THE OVEN, PLEASE," Liam called out from the living room where he was busy with Saf and Niall.



"Ok....seems like I have missed a lot in your life, Zayn"

"What?" he asked his mum when he turned towards her after putting the cake in the oven and setting the time and temperature at it after he got a 'yeah' from Liam for his question.

"You tell me!"

He smiled and said, "It's a long story so, wine?"

And that's how he ended up telling his mum everything with a glass of wine and when he was done he got a smack in the head, he pouted at it, but then started laughing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Niall asked entering the kitchen, with Safaa who was on his hip.

"Just some catch-ups! Where is my husband?"

"He went to take a shower."

"Ok. Be right back." He gave a kiss on Safaa's head and ran upstairs.

"Your son is whipped, Mama Malik."

Trisha gave a quiet chuckle at it.

Back in Zayn's (which was Liam's too now), Liam came out of the bathroom with a towel hanging loosely on his waist and found Zayn standing by the door of the walk-in closet, crossing his hands and ankles looked like as if he was waiting for Liam to come out of the bathroom(which he was).

"Goodness Zee! You scared me."

Zayn chuckled and said "Hi" trapping Liam between him and the wall.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck making small circles on the nape of his neck.

"Wanted to see ya. Wanted to hold ya. Safaa has taken all your attention from me."

"What? Are you jealous of your sister?"

"Mm-hm. She took you away from me. And. I. Don't. Like. Sharing." Zayn hummed, hiding his face in Liam's neck licking and sucking his skin.



"Your mom- she is downstairs"

"Yeah, she is downstairs."

Liam moistened his lips, grabbed a handful of Zayn's hair pulled his face away from his neck and kissed him. The kiss was rough and full of hunger, Zayn pinned him to the wall and Zayn was about to deepen the kiss when Niall came in "Zayn you- Oh My God! I am sorry." making 'em pull away abruptly and Zayn groan.

"What do you want Niall?" Zayn asked with Liam hiding his face in his(Zayn's) chest out of shyness.

"Your mom is calling you!" Niall replied who had his back turned towards 'em.

"Can I turn around?"


"You go get decent" Zayn patted Liam's back, who lifted his face and nodded, running to the closet.

Zayn rubbed his face, walked to Niall put his arm around his shoulder and said "Come with me."



How are ya guys?

I am suffering from cold and fever and sore throat and headache.

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