Chapter -28

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Ringing the doorbell of the Edwards, Zayn stood there being impatient and confused as hell, they reached NYC around 1 at night booked a hotel and spent rest of the night there. During the whole journey, Lou kept asking why they are going to NYC to which he got nothing in reply. The door of the Edwards was opened by a girl, Zayn took a look at her and noticed that she was almost of his age.

"Uncle Geoff! Louis! What a pleasant surprise? Please Come in." the girl exclaimed giving a hug to both Geoff and Louis which they both gladly returned.

"Sara, I didn't know that you are here."

"Yeah, well I had a break from uni so thought of coming here," Sara said with a shrug.


"What is going on Sara? Why are you-"

"Geoff is that you. Goodness, what a surprise!"

"C'mon Emily! You knew that I was coming." Geoff said rolling his eyes and hugging his step-sister.

"Oh hush! Let me act surprised." Emily said with a chuckle and moved towards Louis to hug him too as Geoff went and gave hug to his friend/ brother-in-law, Daniel.

All this while Zayn felt like a stranger invading their family moment, well maybe cause he was a stranger there.

"Who is this handsome man, Geoff?" Emily asked pointing to Zayn.

"This is Zayn. Liam's husband."

And Zayn never felt awkward like this before.

"And Zayn this is my sister Emily, her husband, Daniel who is also a very good friend of mine and their daughter Sara," Geoff introduced 'em.

"Where is Liam?" Geoff asked his sister and both Louis and Zayn stared at him with a confused look.

"Dada what are you saying? Liam's here?" Louis asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, the day Liam came here Emily texted me saying that Liam reached here without any problem. Then I told her not to tell Liam that I know any of these things. And when you guys left for your places yesterday, I texted her saying that we are coming here and it will be a surprise for Liam." Geoff said clearing all their doubts at once.

"Mama knew 'bout this?" Louis asked. And Geoff nodded.

Zayn cleared his throat "If you don't mind Mrs Edwards can I see Liam?"

'It's been two weeks and I don't think I can stay away from him any longer.'

"He is in the guestroom, Sweetheart. Louis will show you the way and till then I will get the guest rooms ready." Zayn nodded.

Once they reached the room where Liam is staying, Louis turned to Zayn and said well threatened to be more precise "Mess up this time Malik and you won't like the results." with that said he left.

Zayn took a few deep breaths and opened the door and peeked in. he found Liam sitting by the window staring out at something Zayn doesn't know with a blank expression and it would be a lie if he said that it didn't make his heartache watching Liam like that. He took slow steps toward him, "Leeyum" and called out his name almost in a whisper.

Liam turned to him, and Zayn forgot everything around him, the world froze as his eyes met with Liam's. Zayn snapped out when he felt Liam walk towards him and touched his face as if to confirm that he wasn't dreaming, a little gasp left his mouth and he pulled his hand away.

"W-what a-are y-" Liam opened his mouth to ask him but stuttered badly that he couldn't even form a sentence properly and had a sudden panic attack that he never had before.

"Hey! Hey! Relax baby. Take deep breaths. Follow my breathing, baby." Zayn said rubbing his back in an attempt to calm down his husband. "That's right. Just a few more." He said passing him a glass of water and making him sit on the bed. "There you go. You ok now?"

Liam nodded.

"Why are you here?" and before Zayn could reply he started again "You came here for divorce, didn't you?" he asked with tears in his eyes. Zayn frantically shook his head when he heard his question.

"Then what are you here?" Liam asked softly.

'For fuck's sake say something you fucking dumb human'

Zayn wanted to say but the truth is he is lost of words, he couldn't find his voice. Seeing the Love of his Life like this, so lost and broken is killing him internally, and knowing that he is the reason behind all this isn't helping.

"Did you come here to invite me to your wedding?" Liam asked in a whisper.

'Where the fuck does he gets these ideas from, Jesus?'

"No" Zayn blurted out when he finally found his voice again. "No. I-I'm n-not. I didn't mean I-would-"

"Zayn try to make it clear I am not understanding a single thing you are saying," Liam said firmly biting his inner lip to stop himself from crying.

Zayn sighed and took a deep breath and said "I am already married. Why would I marry again?"

"You are not?"Liam asked with hope in his voice. Zayn shook his head.

"Then? If you are not here for divorce, if you are not getting married- Niall sent you didn't he? He is a stu- " Liam was cut off when he felt a pair of lips on his, he widened his eyes in shock but gave in when he realized. He closed his eyes and hummed in satisfaction as Zayn started to move his lips.

Zayn's lips were soft yet rough whereas Liam's were chapped a little due to constant bitting. Their lips moved in sync, Zayn bought Liam on his lap without breaking the kiss and kept one of his hand on his back supporting him and one hand cupping Liam's face, whereas one of Liam's were fisting Zayn's collar and one was in his head messing up Zayn's hair. Zayn licked Liam's lip asking for entrance which Liam gave. Zayn was exploring Liam's mouth and moved his hand under Liam's shirt exploring his soft skin, Liam on the other hand was becoming a moaning mess. They pulled away from each other for the much need air, but kept their foreheads together, taking heavy breaths and that's when Zayn noticed Liam fisting his collar as if his life depended on it.

"I Love You," Zayn said causing Liam to look up at him with wide eyes.

"W-What?" Liam asked in astonishment, not being able to believe what he just heard.

"I love you, Pup." And Liam was never happy like this before. His husband loves him, the man he lives for said he loves him. He started sobbing making Zayn frown at him.

"I Love you too." And that's what Zayn wanted to hear, he was sure he was grinning wide like a fucking clown but he doesn't give a fuck to it.

"Say that again," Zayn said.

"I love you," Liam said with a smile.

"Again" Zayn demanded.

"I love you, Mr Zayn Malik"

"Oh, I am so in Love with you Mr Liam Malik. I love you so much, Jaan." Zayn said pecking Liam's nose making him giggle and then smashing his lips against Liam's capturing it for a deep and passionate kiss this time.


Oh goodness!!!

Finally, they kissed and confessed huh!

Jesus Christ that was a hell lotta thing.

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