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It's been a month since that episode and was Zayn behaving like a Prince Charming lately?


Not at all.

But Liam was glad of those slight changes in Zayn. He was happy that they were at least having those conversations, which were subtle but it was good.

Liam liked it. He would still cook for Zayn and Zayn would compliment him for the food and would also help him with the dishes it was their kind of ritual. Liam would cook and Zayn would do the dishes, and whenever Liam say to leave the dishes Zayn always replied with 'It's the least I can do, Li.' And small gestures like calling him 'Li', helping in the kitchen at the weekends, going out for dinner, watching movies with him, was enough to make Liam smile. And that smile always made Zayn's day.

Zayn will always make sure to see Liam smile, before leaving for office. His day starts with seeing Liam sleeping and ends in the same way.

No, they haven't started sharing rooms yet.

But Zayn would go to Liam's room once Liam's asleep and watch him for a while, come back to his and drift off, and wake up early every morning and go to Liam's room and look at him and leave the room before Liam wakes up. And today wasn't an exception. He woke up a few hours later after coming back from Liam's room., to the smell of coffee, he sat up straight on his bed and found a cup of coffee on the bedside table with a note which said

"Hey, Good Morning.

I am going out for a bit. I made your breakfast, it's in the kitchen, warm it up if it gets cold by the time you wake up.

See ya
Liam X"

Liam came back a few hours later and saw Zayn sitting in the living room watching a movie.

"Hey! You had your breakfast?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. Where did you go?"

"Groceries," Liam said lifting the bags. He kept the bags on the kitchen counter and came back.

"Whatcha watching?" Liam asked plopping down beside Zayn, with a bottle of water.

"Just some random shows." They were watching TV when Liam's phone rang, he fished out his phone, his face broke into a big smile when he saw Andy facetiming.



"How ya doin' ?" Liam chuckled at Andy's excitement.

"Oh, I am PER-FECT. How are you?"

"I am perfect too. But I miss my best friend."

"Aww, I miss you too."

"But I said I miss my best friend, I never that I miss you."

"I am the only best friend you have Payno!"

"Rude much" Andy laughed at Liam's face.

"Where that husband of yours Li?" Andy asked once his laughter died down.

"Right here," Liam said facing the camera towards Zayn.

"Zayn this is Andrew, Andy for short; Andy this is Zayn."

"Liam when you told your husband is handsome I didn't expect him to be THIS HANDSOME!" Andy hyped up.

"Umm...thank you?" Zayn said which came out more like a question.

"No seriously bro. Liam are you sure that he isn't a Vogue Model"

"Thank you for the compliments. I am sure I am not a Vogue Model." Zayn said.

"How're States? Did ya get any girlfriend?" Liam asked trying to divert the conversation but oops!

"Are you jealous, Lili?" Andy asked with a teasing smirk.

"Shut up!" Liam mumbled. And Andy barked out a laugh, which made Liam a tomato, and Zayn loved it. They continued their conversations which were filled with more teasing and laughs.


Zayn was sitting in his office when Charlie came in, as usual without knocking.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Snow gliding!  What else will I do? Of course, I am working!" Zayn sassed. And Charlie, he just shrugged.

"Are you done working?"

"Yeah, almost. Why?" Zayn asked diverting his attention from his laptop to his friend who was shifting from one foot to another.

"Let's go out for coffee!" Charlie chirped.

"Now?" Zayn asked looking at his watch. Charlie nodded.

"Umm-Zaynie, you won't mind if I take off for a few days, will ya?" Charlie asked hesitantly while entering the coffee shop.

"Not that I mind Charles, but may I ask why?" Zayn asked smiling.

"Well, the project which you assigned me is done and I am free for a while. So I was thinking of visiting Stephen and Mikaela. I am missing 'em"

Zayn hummed. Thought for a while and nodded his head.

"Thank you Zaynie-Boo. You are the best." with that Charlie pressed a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Gross Charles," Zayn said wiping his cheek.


"Liam, I am home" Liam heard Zayn announcing. He seemed to be cheerful mood.

"Hey Welcome! You look happy today! Got a new project or something?" Liam said taking the laptop bag from him.

"Can't I be happy?" Zayn asked loosening his tie, taking his coat off.

Liam shrugged.

"It's just that I never saw you happy. How was your day?"

"It was good but tiring. How was yours?" Zayn asked.

"It was the same books, movies and I made a cake for dessert. So go get fresh I'll serve dinner." Liam said.

"Ok. Oh, I saw the family next door vacant their apartment. I wonder why?" Zayn said.

"Thank God they left." Liam didn't intend to say that out loud but too late.

"Why did you thank God for that?" Zayn asked frowning.

"Huh- no reason. Now go!!" Liam said walking towards the kitchen and sighed when he saw Zayn going towards his room. They had their dinner when Zayn came down. Liam brought the cake and kept it on the table in front of Zayn, he went back to the kitchen to bring the knife and when he came back he almost laughed.

"Zayn stop drooling over the cake" Liam's voice snapped Zayn out of his LA-LA land.

Zayn cleared his throat and said "I wasn't drooling"

"Sure you weren't," Liam said with a smirk.


Chap-13 is here!!!

The next chap is gonna be a filler. It would be a bit of a happy chapter.

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