Chapter -23

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It's been a few days that Niall was living with 'em. And it made both Liam and Zayn realised something. For Zayn, he realised that he is still not over Niall, but he is trying as hard as he can. And as for Liam, he realised that he can never compete with Niall. Liam thought that Niall was perfect for Zayn, he is everything that someone wants in their partner.

The next day when Liam came down to the kitchen, Niall was already back from his morning walk. Liam sighed knowing that he could NEVER be like Niall; in looks, body, mind.

The three of 'em sat down for breakfast and Liam felt like a clown between 'em. He knows that Niall won't take his husband away from him, he loves his wife but he can't help but feel insecure.

'They are so fucking perfect'  Liam thought to himself.

"LEE, I AM LEAVING. CAN YOU GET MY SUIT BABE?" Zayn yelled while wearing his shoes.


Liam came out of the kitchen to the leaving room, where Zayn and Niall were. When Zayn saw Liam approaching him he stood up from where he was sitting, Liam helped him with the suit. All these things weren't missed by Niall who was sitting on the couch and was watching 'em with a smile. (A/N: At this point I love Niall, and you gonna love him too in the upcoming chaps), Zayn bid bye to Niall and gave a kiss on Liam's forehead, muttered a bye and smiled at him and left not missing the smile that formed in Liam's face.

“You don’t have any problem with this, right?” Niall asked when Liam came to him and sat on the couch.

“With what?” Liam questioned frowning.

“With me staying here”

And it would be a lie if Liam said that he doesn’t have any problems with him staying here.

“You are a good person Niall and you need help. And no I don’t have any problem with you staying here” ‘at least not for now’ he wanted to add but didn’t.

“Can I ask you something?” Liam asked.

Niall nodded.

“Why didn’t you stand up for your and Zayn’s relationship in front of your parents?” he asked quietly. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I am sorry if I offended you,” he added quickly once he saw the expression change on Niall’s face.

“No, it’s alright. You didn’t offend me. Well here is the thing Liam, I did stand up for our relationship. I tried everything I could. Even Zayn tried to convince my parents, but my parents didn’t agree with the reason, that Zayn isn’t fully British. They would have let me marry him if he was British and not Half-Pakistani, they didn’t have any problem with me being in a relationship with a guy. I never had a problem with Zayn not being fully British, cause even I am not British but the Maliks never made me feel like an outsider in their family. When you are in love you don’t see what the person, or what is the nationality of the person is. And then one day they suddenly called me to Ireland and when I went there I was told that they found a girl for me and I had to marry her. I was told to cut off all the relations with everyone here. Be it the Maliks or my friends.” Niall sighed.

“Didn’t Zayn do anything?”

“He contacted me through my sister in law after my engagement he said that he still will come and talk to ‘em but I told him not to. Maybe we didn’t love each other to leave everything behind”


“I mean I thought the same after I got married to Liv. If I would have loved Zayn I would have done something to stop the wedding and not Zayn. And if he loved me then he would have come to get me even after me saying him not to come, instead of sulking here. We would have moved heaven and hell if we loved each other so much.” and Liam was gaping at the last sentence. Not knowing what to say he stayed quiet.

“Do you mind if I stayed a friend to Zayn?”

“Nope, after all, you both have known each other longer than I have known him.”

Niall smiled “You know Liam, I liked you the second I have met you. You both are just perfect for each other, just give him some time he will come around.” He encouraged Liam.

“Thanks, Niall.”

“Hey let’s be friends and start over. Hi! I am Niall Horan, you can call me Ni. Nice to meet ya"

Liam chuckled “Hi! I am Liam Payne you can call me Li or Lima. And the pleasure is all mine”

“Lima?” Niall questioned.

“My best friend/ brother calls me that,” Liam answered with a shrug and a weird expression.

It wasn’t funny but still, hearing Niall’s contagious laugh Liam couldn’t help but laugh. They spent the rest of the day talking about family and stuff, cooking lunch, and watching movies. It was 6 in the evening when Zayn came home which surprised Liam, he usually comes home at around 9 or even late.

“Liam” Zayn greeted him with a warm smile.

“Zee. Your home early today?”

“Yeah, I was done with my work so I thought we could go out.”



Liam yelled from downstairs, startling Zayn who didn’t expect this.

“Yeah, Li”

“Get Ready Zaynie is taking us out.”

Niall nodded and went to his room. Liam turned to Zayn who was already looking at him with an expression he can’t read.

“You ok?” Liam asked.

“Yeah. What was that?”

“What was what?”

“Between You and Niall?”

“Ohhhh… Nothing we just became friends.”

And Zayn just opened and closed his mouth like a fish but didn’t say anything. “Ok. I’ll go get ready.”

By the time Liam came to the room, Zayn was already out of the shower and ready so Liam went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and got ready. They both came down to where Niall was and the three of ‘em walked out locking the door behind ‘em.

“Where shall we go?” Zayn asked.

"If you guys don't mind then can we go to the London Eye," Niall suggested and Liam agreed.

"Been a while I haven't been in a ferries wheel. Let's go there." Liam said and turned to Zayn. "Can we go there please?"

And who was Zayn to say no to Liam? It almost took 'em 2 hours to reach there but the journey was worth it seeing how Liam and Niall enjoyed being there. London Eye is an enormous Ferris Wheel that sits on the south bank of the River Thames. You can see the Houses of Parliament, Westminister Abbey Elizabeth Clock Tower (Big Ben), Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's The Tate Museum, Tower Bridge. Well almost the whole of London. (A/N I googled it, so I might be wring but welp.)

And Zayn could see how Liam was bouncing in his place he asked him if he was ok. Liam just said that he was excited about it. After being on the Ferris Wheel when they stepped out of it. A slight wave of dizziness crossed over Liam and would have fallen if it wasn't for Niall who steadied him which caught Zayn's attention.

"You ok, Li?" Zayn asked concern evident in his face. Liam nodded. And that's when Zayn slipped his hand into his intertwining their fingers and gave a small squeeze. Liam smiled at him and turned to Niall

"What now?"

"I am hungry so.... let's go and eat something"

They went to a restaurant nearby had their dinner there and departed for their home. As soon as they were home they went to their respective rooms.

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