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Its Sunday Zayn was in his room attending a phone call while Niall was sitting in the living room area watching TV Liam came out of the kitchen with two bowls one with chocolate-coated Strawberries and gave it to Niall and kept the other bowl on the coffee table which had fruit salad for Zayn and went to call him.

He knocked on the door and entered and saw Zayn doing something on the phone, “Are you gonna come out? Or shall I bring your fruit salad here?”

“Be there in a minute.” Liam nodded. He waited for Zayn to finish what he was doing and then he followed him to the living room.

“Where is it?” Zayn asked walking towards the living room where he saw Niall taking a slice of pineapple from the bowl and it suddenly triggered that he is allergic to pineapple and he screamed “NO”. Startling both Liam and Niall.

“Jesus Christ Zayn you scared us.”

“What is wrong with you?”

“Well, Niall you scared me. What the hell were you doing?”

“What? I am eating fruits.” Niall said as a matter of fact.

“Right. You don’t know what you were eating, do you? You were about to eat pineapple. Did you forget that you are allergic to pineapple?” he then turned to Liam “And you. Why the hell would you give him that? Are you fucking out of your mind?”

And before Liam could say anything he continued “What were you thinking Liam? I know that you didn’t like me bringing Niall here but I didn’t think that you would do this. Do you want to kill him or something?”

Not being able to take it anymore Liam just left the room. He couldn’t believe that Zayn can think so low of him. As Zayn kept looking at where Liam went, Niall spoke up “Why would you do that?”

“Why are you talking to me like this? You know that he-”

“It was my fault. He told me that this was for you and strawberries was for me but I was lost in the game that I didn’t realize what I was doing. And for your information, Liam doesn’t know about my allergy. If you would have told him then that’s another thing. Jeez, I can’t believe you Zayn. Think before you say anything.”

“I-I am sorry.”

“Yeah. Try telling that to him and I would be surprised if he forgives you.” With that Niall left the room leaving Zayn alone in the room. Well, Zayn messed up this time just like always.

Sighing he went to his room and softly knocked on the door. The door opened a minute later and Liam tried to walk away but Zayn pulled him in, “I need to talk to you.”

“There’s nothing to talk Zayn,” Liam muttered coldly trying to wiggle out of Zayn’s hold.

“Lee, please hear me out once, babe. I-”

“There’s nothing to hear either” Liam said finally meeting Zayn’s eyes. “You know Zayn you have accused me of a lot of things but this was the worst of all. And it was enough to prove to me what you think of me. No matter how much I try, no matter what I do, I’ll always be wrong in your eyes.”

That’s what he said and pushed Zayn’s hand and walked away. And Zayn wished he knew how to apologize to Liam this time.

He headed back to the living room and sat down on the couch though he was looking at the TV his mind was somewhere else and he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard an ‘Oh fuck’ from the kitchen. He walked to the kitchen and asked Liam if anything was wrong, to which he got a dull and cold reply from Liam, he nodded and left the room. Five minutes later he saw Liam emerge from the kitchen with a bandage wrapped around his left hand’s finger making Zayn realize that he must have cut it while chopping the veggies, which made him guilty yet again.

After dinner, Zayn waited for Liam to come but when he didn’t Zayn went downstairs and found Liam curled up on the couch. He carried upstairs to their room, laid him in the bed and scooted close to him, kissed his injured finger, forehead, cheek nose and lips before holding his hand and drifting off.


It’s been three days and Liam ignored his husband, he stayed as far as he could from him. Though he would cook for him, serve him food but didn’t dare to look at him. Even Niall was giving Zayn a cold shoulder.

One evening all the three sat in front of the TV watching Titanic “I want Chicken Kyiv” Niall suddenly announced.

“Now?” Liam asked surprised by this sudden craving. Niall nodded with a pout.

“We have to go out then, cause I have no idea how to make it.”

“No, we aren’t going anywhere. I’ll make it for you.” Zayn said.

“You know how to make it. For me, Thanks Zayno.”

“Not the first time I am making something for you Nialler.” Zayn shook his head and walked towards the kitchen, totally forgetting about Liam.

Liam’s heart sank hearing that. Zayn is cooking for Niall, but he never did something like that for him. No wonder he is still in love with Niall.

He remembered what an told him a few months ago when he asked if he would cook for him (Liam) someday. ‘What makes you think that I would cook for you?’.

He went to the kitchen asking if Zayn needs help with anything which Zayn said no to.  Liam nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing Zayn’s excitement bought a sad and faint smile to Liam’s face. He went to his room and sat on the bed when Louis was facetiming and that bought an instant smile on his face. He put on his brightest smile answered the call and Louis’ and Harry’s faces popped up.

“Libear” “Lili”

“Hi Lou, Hi Haz”

“How are you Baby Bro?”

“I am fantastic.” He lied cause he doesn't want to pull his brother and brother-in-law in his shit, "But I miss you guys." he continued with a pout.

“Aww Boo, we miss you too,” Harry said and Louis nodded.

“How is Zayn?” Harry asked making Liam’s smile flutter a little.

“He is as good as he can be.”

“Li, you do realize that Christmas is coming up, right?”

“Yeah. But what about that?”

“So are you gonna come home or…you gonna celebrate it with your in-laws”

“I don’t know it yet Lou. But I don’t think that Mum and Baba will have any problem if I want to spend my Christmas with you guys. And above that, it’s your Birthday. I’ll just have to ask ‘em” Liam said and Larry nodded.

They talked for about half an hour which none of the three realized and they would have continued for more if Harry’s mum didn’t call Harry on his phone. Liam was thinking about something with his eyes closed head on the headboard when someone knocked on the door, he told to come in whoever it was still with his eyes close.


He opened his eyes to see Zayn taking timid steps towards him “What?”

“C’mon, let’s have dinner.”

“I am not hungry Zayn. You guys go have it.”

“Li, baby, I am sorry for that. I just panicked. I know I shouldn’t have said all those things. I am sorry. Please forgive me. You have the right to be angry at me, but come and have dinner. Please.” Zayn pleaded, kneeling beside the bed when Liam was holding his hand.

“Maybe another time when you will be cooking for me Zayn. But I'm seriously not hungry right now. I just want to sleep. Can I? Please.” Zayn sighed and nodded, and walked out of the room not missing the tears that flowed From Liam’s eyes, wetting his cheeks.

Zayn Malik = Douchebag of the year.


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