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Hi guys!!!
I am back!!!.
Did anyone missed me?


Liam woke up a few hours later and pouted when he didn't find his husband in the bed so he strolled to the kitchen. Zayn was sitting at the dinner table having his breakfast and repling to some messages when he heard Niall cooing at something, he turned his gaze to where Niall was looking and saw Liam coming downstairs rubbing his eyes looking like a baby.

"Good morning guys"

"Morning Love" "Morning Li"

Niall served him pancakes and a cup of coffee that he made, after breakfast, Zayn went to their room to get ready for the office and Liam went to the kitchen helping Niall with the dishes. They were silently doing their work when Liam suddenly turned to Niall and said "Okay I agree that I am stupid and dumb and idiot and-"

"Liam, what are you saying?" Niall asked confusion etched on his face.

Liam sighed and continued "I mean you were right 'bout everything and I was an idiot for not realising that."

"I know I am right and it's good to know that you finally realised and agreed that you are an idiot" Niall teased him.

"But all's well that end's well," Niall said and gave Liam a warm hug, which Liam gladly returned. They were silent for a while before they heard someone gasp.

They pulled away from each other and saw Zayn gapping at 'em "What the heck is going on here?"

"Don't be a drama queen now!" Niall said rolling his eyes.

"What? Can't I have my fair share of fun?" Zayn said wrapping his arms around their shoulders.

"You are turning second Louis," Liam added.

"But seriously you guys were looking like a couple. Is there anything going on between you two?" Zayn asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I don't like you anymoh. I like Niall now."

"Oh, seems like I have to think 'bout extra marital aff-"

"Now listen up here you little shit I dare you to have an extramarital affair and I'll poison you then I'll take you to hospital and once you are recovered I'll make Louis almost kill you then I'll ask Harry to run a truck over you. You get it." Liam declared making Zayn's eye wide.

"Yep. I got it. No extramarital affairs." Zayn said "Anyways I am getting late so I should leave-" he stopped to check his watch and then continued"-now. I love you. Bye," He pecked on Liam's lips and ruffled Niall's hair and ran out of the kitchen making Liam follow him to the door and was 'bout to leave when Liam pulled, and turned his face towards him, gave a sweet yet lingering kiss and whispered an 'I love you.


"Let's watch a movie," Liam said. They were sitting in the living room, Zayn didn't go to the office today because they just launched a new project for which he had a meeting the previous day and they got quite a GOOD amount of INVESTMENT.

"Good idea. I am bored anyways" Niall said with a shrug.

"Ok. I'll go start the movie," Liam said getting up from the couch.

"Which one is it?" Zayn asked once Liam was back to him.

"The Notebook. I love this movie, it's Haz's the favourite movie."

"Who is Haz?"

"My brother-in-law," Liam said as the movie started and Zayn wrapped his arm around his waist as he snuggled into him.

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