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The next day Zayn announced to his employees that they have to finish the new project by Friday, though most of his employees weren’t happy with this but who has the guts to against the boss. After his meeting, he went to his cabin and tried to work but couldn’t stop thinking about last night.

Liam’s smile!!!

That’s what he could think about right now. Even since last night he wanted to spend time with Liam, he never enjoyed someone’s company since Niall left. All he did was work, work and work. He loved seeing Liam smile and he loved being the reason behind his smile. He never felt this way for Niall, sure he love him and wanted to spend his entire life with him but what he feels with Liam is something different.

He was brought back to reality when he heard a cough, he looked up and saw Charlie, “What are you doing here? I thought you took off” Zayn asked raising his eyebrow.

“I did take off. And I have my flight in the evening so I thought of coming here and saying bye to you. But I am glad that I came here.” Charlie said with a smirk.

“And why is that so?”

“That cause I have heard some rumours flying around,” Charlie said as he took a seat.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Charles?”

“Yeah. That’s true and the rumours are about you” Charlie said, and Zayn raised his eyebrow and leaned back to his chair and told Charlie to continue wondering what his friend is up to this time.

“Well apparently, Zayn Malik, the rude, the ultimate angry young man who doesn’t even reply to the good morning wishes except for if it’s his best friend AKA me-” he pointed to himself “has been seen smiling for no reason” Charlie ended dramatically.

“Can’t I smile?” Zayn asked with an eye roll.

“NO!! you can’t smile, you can’t smile in the middle of a SERIOUS meeting. Few people are already considering calling a doc, think that you are gone mad. They are worried about you bro. And I have also heard from the editing team that you have gone easy on one guy who hasn’t completed his project within the deadline.”

“How on the earth did you know all this?” Zayn asked gaping at him.

“I heard Zayn and I am not telling you how I have heard so don’t ask. Now tell me what is this change” Charlie said smiling.

“Charles, I am not discussing my private life with you, at least not now.” Zayn recorded.

Charlie sighed. He should've known that this will be the reply. Even when he was in a relationship with Niall, he didn’t tell him, it was Charlie who confronted him about the relationship. Charlie felt bad that he came to know about this from someone else and not his best friend.

"Right, I-I’ll take a leave now," Charlie said getting up from the chair.

“Charles, you aren’t angry, are ya?” Zayn asked looking the look at Charlie’s face and smiling when Charlie shook his head.

“I promise this time I will tell you everything just give me some time to think and understand what is going on, yeah,” Zayn said getting up as well and walking towards him.

“I’ll be waiting. But for now, I should go. See ya Zaynie” Charlie said hugging Zayn.

“See ya. Be safe and have a safe journey” Zayn said returning the hug. Charlie nodded and left the cabin not before giving Zayn a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Once Charlie left Zayn drowned himself with work that he didn’t realize how late it was, he checked the time and it was half-past 10, took out his phone wondering why Liam haven’t called him when it was this late. He switched his phone only to curse himself when he saw 12 missed calls and 6 text messages from Liam asking where he was and when is he coming back home. He let out a quiet "fuck" and rushed back home, rang the doorbell but Liam didn’t answer, he rang it again but no answer and was glad that he carried his key with him today, which he usually doesn’t. He opened the door and sighed in relief but also felt guilty when he saw Liam sleeping on the couch with the TV on. He switched off the TV and walked towards him, and caressed his cheek. He sat there and thinking to himself if he should wake him up or take him to his room and lie him down in the bed, after all the couch wasn’t comfortable, he opted for the second option and was about to lift him, but stopped and wondered if Liam had his dinner and that’s when he suddenly remembered that Liam doesn’t eat alone.

“Liam!” called him patting his cheek.

No response.

“Liam, wake up and have dinner” he shook him and that made Liam stir and open his eyes.

“Zayn? What time it is?” he asked rubbing his eyes like a baby, which Zayn found quite adorable.

“It’s a little bit after 11,” Zayn replied.

“Why are you so late? I called you so many times but you didn’t answer” Liam muttered sleepily.

“I am so sorry love, I kept my phone in silence when I was in the meeting and forgot to turn it to general.” Liam hummed as Zayn said.

“Go get changed. I’ll serve dinner,” Liam said. After dinner, none of ‘em had any energy to do anything so both retired to their respective rooms and drifted off.

The next few days flew by and the next thing they know is standing in front of the Payne House. Liam was so happy to be with his family, he missed his mum and dad and his sisters. Though he FaceTimed ‘em every other day these FaceTimes didn’t do justice, he wasn’t able to hug his parents, he wasn’t able to mess with his sisters.

When Zayn told Liam they were gonna spend the next two days with his parents he was so happy that he launched himself over Zayn muttering small ‘thankyous’, while Zayn rubbed Liam's back, he liked having Liam in his arms. During their stay at the Payne’s, Liam caught a slight cold which made Zayn worry but was relieved when Mrs Payne told him that Liam was probably under the weather but that didn’t stop him bring a doc for Liam, he didn’t leave his side until he had to go to the washroom. Roo told Zayn how Liam gets extra cuddly and clingy when he is sick, and that gave him one more chance not to leave Liam's side. Mr and Mrs Payne were happy seeing how much Zayn cares for Liam, which made their hearts flutter with happiness. They knew that their son has found someone who care for him, who loves him. They were happy to know that their son was happy, they were relieved that the decision of Liam get married to Zayn was the right decision and they didn’t have any regrets. Not for now at least.



How are you guys? Hope you are doing well.

This chap took its time.
I hope you like it.

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