Chapter 32: Battle in the Orchard

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

The day had come, for the battle against Geto's army. Liebe and I were ready to fight the cursed spirits. I was equipped with my katana and wakizashi, while Liebe was armed with his gladius and a bow. Same as the plan for the other 3 teams, we waited for the entire army to entire the perimeter we set up. As soon as the last one entered, Liebe and I made a hand sign and chanted:

"Emerge from darkness, blacker still. Purify that which is impure."

The veil then came down, closing us all in. Once it was complete, I drew my cursed tools, and Liebe made a hand sign and shouted,

"Domain Expansion................"

Everything went black, and from the ground, a mass of dead trees arose, and the sky was dyed crimson and the jet black crescent moon flew above us. This is my brother's domain,

Karmic Orchard of Purgatory.

( Liebe's p.o.v.)

Reverse cursed techniques are advanced jujutsu techniques that combine the negative cursed energy of the user and the target to create positive energy, these techniques are primarily used for medical treatment, and not many can utilize positive energy. My cursed technique, Cursed Ruler, is a technique that converts negative cursed energy within a 2 meter radius of the user into positive energy and vice versa. It's basically a defensive application of a reverse cursed technique, so as long as the opponent just uses negative energy on me while the technique is active, I can't get hurt by cursed energy. Asta and I, had come up with a plan during 4 weeks of preparation for the battle. I told him about the techniques that I had imbued into my domain. The first is that any attack that is compromised of negative energy that is used in my domain will be converted into positive energy and absorbed by the trees, which brings them back to life, and grow fresh fruit. The fruit is actually a physical form of a reverse cursed technique, a single bite will heal any wounds or injuries the consumer had sustained, giving us an advantage in that battle. Any positive energy fired will be converted into negative. The second technique allows me to harness the power in the trees to use offensively. How I do that is with the cursed technique I imbued into my bow, it uses cursed energy, negative or positive, as arrows to fire, and if enhanced with the wielders own cursed energy, the shots fired would be powerful enough to easily pierce through several 1st Grade cursed spirits. Back before me and Asta met Gojo, we learned how to use a bow in order to hunt, so I'm pretty confident in my archery skill. Using this method I can attack opponent from a distance and give Asta support while he fights close quarters. The third, and final technique I imbued was this, the excess cursed energy absorbed would not only be used as ammo for the bow, but also to fuel the domain to keep it up. In other words, as long as cursed energy is being harvested from the enemy, my domain will last indefinitely. And since domains burn through so much cursed energy that, once it's released, the sorcerer is temporarily unable to use techniques, with the trees acting as a source of power for my domain, I can utilize my cursed energy immediately after I released the technique. According to Gojo, no other Domain Expansion in history has such an intricate set up as Karmic Orchard of Purgatory.

With my domain laid out, we began the operation to exterminate the cursed spirits. The enemy began firing a volley of cursed energy shots, but they were all converted and absorbed by the trees. I gathered some of that energy and loaded my bow. I also enhanced it the my cursed energy, making it stronger. I fired the arrow, and it tore through the frontline of the army, all the way to the 1st Grades in the center ranks. That shot surprised all of the curses, which gave Asta the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. He swiftly charged at the curses with his swords in hand, and began cutting down every thing in his path, while I supplied covering fire. After an hour of fighting, Asta had killed 275 2nd Grades, while I shot down 359. We had mowed down the vanguard, and we moved on to the middle guard compromised of 1st Grade curses.

The enemy came charging at us this time, some started fire long range attacks, while others went at Asta hand to blade. My brother cut down the close range fighters whenever he sensed an opening. I continued to fire arrows to make things easier for Asta. During the fight with the 1st Grades, Asta sustained quite a few injuries, but those were easily treat with the healing fruit of my domain. It took 2 hours to exercise all 1003 1st Grade curses. All that was left were the Special Grades that were in clean up position.

(Asta's p.o.v.)

Liebe and I were almost done wiping out Geto's army. All we had to do was eliminate the Special Grades, but to stand a chance, I needed to use my cursed technique, and it would only be effective if Liebe released his domain. I called out to my brother, "Liebe, release your domain. From this point on, we'll have to fight these things up close, and with my technique." He nodded and released the technique, and switched from his bow to his gladius.

Like how my brother used the bow to cause disorder in the curses' ranks, I used my technique to do the same.

"Severance technique: Dismantle."

I said as I flicked my wrist, and a dozen cursed spirits had either their heads severed or their bodies split in two. Before the dismembered curses even hit the ground, Liebe and I lunged toward the enemy with blinding speed, eviscerating everything that wasn't us.

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