Chapter 31: Wipe Out

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  (Okkotsu's p.o.v.)

The day had come, Geto's army of cursed spirits had arrived. From what we could tell, they numbered 2500 easy. Kokichi and I were prepared to engage them. The curses had just walked into the perimeter we set up weeks ago, and as soon as the last one entered, we made a hand sign and spoke the words:

"Emerge from darkness, blacker still. Purify that which is impure."

The veil immediately started to envelope the area. Once it came down, Kokichi and I put our plan into action.

During our 4 weeks of training in preparation for the big battle, we came up with a idea to put less of a work load on ourselves. The combined amount of cursed energy of me and Rika is even greater than Satoru Gojo. Because of that, I'm able to mold that energy to copy any cursed technique I know, but on the down side, I burn through it quicker than Gojo. With this in mind, I decided to use Toge's cursed speech. Using his technique, I'd be able to kill every cursed spirit who hears my voice. However, if you protect your ears and brain with cursed energy, Cursed Speech has no effect, you just need to know when it's coming, and that's how Kokichi protected himself from the technique. Cursed Speech's area of effect depends on whoever is within earshot of it's use, meaning it's effective if someone hears the user, and since there's so many cursed spirits over a wide area, I wouldn't be able to get very many. Not on my own anyway. For that reason, I brought something that would help widen my range,....a magic loud speaker. Because I need someone to hear me in order to curse them with Cursed Speech, I needed an item that could make my voice a lot louder then what my vocal chords could do alone.

I pulled out the loud speaker, just before I got ready to use Cursed Speech, I said to Kokichi, "Just to remind you that this will burn a large portion of my reserves." He replied, "That's fine. Depending on how many of the curses will be affected, it will at least lessen our work load to a degree.  Besides, I doubt Mechamaru will last if it fought half of that army. Plus, the sooner we get done here, the sooner we can go home and give Gojo a piece of our minds." He was right about getting home sooner. And as for Gojo, he was on a mission over seas, and should've been back a week before Geto's attack on the academy. Knowing him, he's probably sightseeing and screwing around on his way home, but that wasn't my main concern. "My main concern is getting out of this damn tundra." I said to him as I brought the speaker up to my mouth, and prepared to use Cursed Speech. Kokichi gave me a thumbs up to tell me that he was protected. I said through the speaker, "Get twisted!" As soon as I said that, most of the cursed spirits bodies started twisting, like how you wring out a wet wash cloth. Once their bodies made a full 360 degree spin, blood gushed out of them and they disappeared, signaling that they had died. We were amazed by how many were affected by the technique. The number of curses that died from those two words was 259 2nd Grades, and 1446 1st Grades. All that was left were 795 Special Grades. When we finished our count, Kokichi said to me, "Well, that was more effective than I thought." I replied, "My thoughts exactly. With this many left over, it shouldn't take too long to wrap things up." Kokichi made Mechamaru nod it's head and I drew my cursed tool, a katana with a cherry blossom colored blade. The blade turned that color from having Rika's cursed energy imbued in it. Kokichi did need to draw a cursed tool, because Mechamaru had built weapons that are imbued with cursed energy. Meaning Mechamaru itself is a cursed tool, not just a means to connect with the outside world.

Ready for battle, we charged toward the Special Grades. I parried, dodged, and slashed every curse that came within my reach. I also manifested Rika to help out, so the both of us managed to cut down 300 of them within 20 minutes.

  (Kokichi's p.o.v.)

Yuta had finished his quota, while I bare got started.

Mechamaru is a cursed corpse with several expanded techniques in the form of built in weapons:

Sword Option: an offensive mode that shifts Mechamaru's forearms into different forms with spikes and blades protruding from it.

Ultra Spin: while Sword Option is in use, Mechamaru's forearm rotates rapidly to create a drill effect.

Ultra Shield: defensive move that creates several spikes to shield Mechamaru's forearms.

Boost On: elbow-mounted thrusters that give Mechamaru a quick boost in speed.

Ultra Cannon: a concentrated beam of cursed energy fired from Mechamaru's palm

Mode: Albatross; switching Mechamaru to an offensive mode that reveals a hidden gunbarrel in its mouth. In this form, Mechamaru can unleash high reserves of cursed energy, enough for it to uses it's most powerful attack, Ultimate Cannon.

I fired Ultra Cannon several dozen times at the Special Grades. Some shots tore through their bodies while others similar missed due to the curses dodging them. The number of Special Grades that were killed in with those shots were at least 200. The curses that got close to Mechamaru through punches and kicks which were dodged or blocked by Ultra Shield. I made Mechamaru do some impressive acrobatics in order to put some distance between him and the Special Grades. Thankfully, I had a lot of practice control cursed corpses throughout my life, otherwise Mechamaru would have been scrapped long ago.

Once I got far enough from the enemy, I decided to wrap it up immediately. I switched Mechamaru to Mode: Albatross and charged up enough cursed energy to wipe out the rest of the curses. I fired Ultimate Cannon, and finished off all of them. That whole battle barely lasted an hour.

Yuta walked up to Mechamaru and said, "Good job, partner." I nodded it's head and said, "Likewise. Now let's release the veil and pack up camp, so we can go home." Yuta agreed. We took down the veil, and packed up our camp. We then began our journey back home.

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