Chapter 3: Taken In

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Continued from last chapter
My life started looking up, right here at the Arts Theater.  Natalie sat down next to me. "London is beautiful, isn't it?" She asked as the rain poured harder.

"Yeah. I've lived here my whole life and being here makes my life better. I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz."

"Like Elizabeth I?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah. Don't know why my parents named me that. So I go by Liz instead."

"I'm Natalie, but you can call me Nat, whatever works for you."

I told Natalie about me getting kicked out this morning, about my background (my birthday is June 5), what I like to do outside of school, and school, in general. The rain had stopped after she and I had talked up a storm. "The rain has stopped. Do you want to come in? I have a lot of people for you to meet."

I nodded, picked up my duffle and headed inside. It was nice to get out of the rain for once. But it wasn't just anywhere: I was going backstage into the Arts Theater! Natalie opened the door, and RIGHT THERE was THE LEGEND, Aimie Atkinson. "You found the singer?" Aimie giggled, stroking Wolfie.

"Her name is Liz. I found her under the awning singing 'Heart of Stone'. She's really good."

"I'm Aimie, and this is Wolfie." Aimie said.

I felt at home, and then Wolfie jumped up and began sniffing me. "I guess I'm part of her pack now?"

"I suppose, hehe." Someone said.

"Oh Gen! This is Liz." Aimie exclaimed.

"That's the voice you heard! I'm Genesis, and you can call me Gen, like everyone, especially Aimie does." Gen said, looking at Aimie with goo-goo eyes.

"Six is what brought the two of them together. I witnessed it, and they hit it off right away." Nat pointed out.

A woman with dark brown hair walked out of a dressing room. "She's the voice you heard?" The woman asked. "I'm Maiya, by the way."

"I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz."

"Liz?" Another voice exclaimed. "Millie O'Connell, at your service."

"My best friend is named Millie, and she was born in America."

"Name buddies!" Millie exclaimed, doing a little dance.

"And my birthday is June fifth."

Wolfie jumped off from the sofa, and Aimie's jaw dropped. "That's mega cool!" She exclaimed as we began to embrace each other.

"What is all the commotion coming out here?" A woman in a gold embossed short dress asked, opening her door.

"That's Jarneia, but everyone calls her Jaye'J." Maiya said.

"Kinda like Elizabeth and Liz!" I giggled.

"Liz, do you need anything? Coffee, water, tea?" Millie asked.

"Just some tea for now. Thanks Millie."

"Call me Mills. Or Millie. Either can work."

Lexi came out a little while later. I began telling them about how my parents split, then my phone rang. It was Millie trying to FaceTime me! I immediately picked up my phone. "Millie! Guess what?" I exclaimed.


"I'm in the Arts Theater!"

"OH MY GOSH! Wait can you introduce me to everyone?"

"Natalie? Can you grab everyone?"

"Of course!"

She grabbed everyone and I turned the camera around. "So...I'm with the cast of Six right now, and I still don't know who I'm staying with right now. But hopefully tonight I'll know."

"Is this Millie?" Jaye'J asked, looking at my best friend.

"What?" Millie asked.

"Not you, Mills. My best friend Millie!" I said, giggling.

I quickly brought my phone to Millie, Wolfie at my heels. "Millie, this is Millie. It feels weird kind of saying that, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it. Hi Millie!" Millie squealed.

I quickly introduced everyone (though I walked in on Gen and Aimie being lovebirds and Millie found it embarrassing). We hung up and I helped Natalie with her corset when Lexi walked in. "Do you want to stay for the show?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah! Maybe I'll find out who I'll be with, maybe?"

Natalie then interjected, "I was the one who saw you first, so I can take you in."

"Okay Nat!"

Thank you so much for reading!

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