Chapter 12: SIX

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"Are you excited to see SIX tomorrow?" Millie asked as I was grabbing my backpack.

"Yeah." I said. "Here's the rundown: Lexi's out of town, so Colette's covering her...casual dress. That's basically it. Meet me outside the stage door at 3pm tomorrow?"

"Roger. See you then!"

I began waking to the Arts Theater. I opened the stage door (Nat got me a key a little while ago). "Hello? Is Nat there?" I asked as Wolfie ran up to me. "Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? You! Wait, where's your mom?" I asked.

"She's doing a live." Someone said. It was Grace.

"Grace! You scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, Lizzie. How was your day?" Grace asked.

Lizzie is Grace's new nickname for me. "It was good, just excited for the weekend."

"Liz! How was your day?" Nat asked.

"Excited to see you perform tomorrow. Millie is too."

"I can tell." Maiya said, handing me a cup of tea.

And then my phone pinged. Millie was texting me.

Millie: can you bring me to the theater tomorrow?

Liz: why? I thought you were meeting me at the stage door at three!

Millie: Mom still won't let me go to the stage door without her. Typical American single mother 😭

Liz: ugh. What time do you want me and Nat to pick you up?

Millie: does 9 work?

Liz: Nat doesn't need to be at the theater until 12:30, so we can make it work. You can hang with us in the morning. Need to ask Nat tho if it's okay

"Millie needs to have us pick her up because her mom doesn't want her going out on her own. She doesn't know you well yet, so I need to be there too." I explained.

"Is she going to hang with us and be with us for the afternoon?" Jaye'J asked.

I nodded. "What time does she want us to pick her up?" Nat asked.


"All right. Let's do it!"

I texted Millie back.

Liz: see you at 9!

Millie: yayayayay

Millie: And drop me off by 6?

Liz: that's two hours before the second show so that works too.

"And we need her to be back at her flat by 6 too."

Nat nodded. We have a plan for tomorrow. Pick up Millie. Hang at Nat's house. Head to the theater. See the show. Hang backstage for a bit. Millie goes back to her place before 6. Boom.

Millie's POV

"Can you PLEASE let me go to the Arts Theater by myself?" I begged again at dinner.

"I want what's best for you sweetie. And that includes keeping you safe."

My dad died shortly before we came to London. Before then, Mom was more carefree. Excited to move to London. But a month before we moved, Dad died. Nothing has been the same. "Nat and Liz are picking me up at nine tomorrow morning. I'll be back by 6. I promise."

"Fine. Be safe."

Later I fell asleep, my Anne Boleyn cosplay in a white tote. Liz got a Jane Seymour one for her first Christmas, so we'd be matching. I was so excited. I had met the cast before, and they know me, but don't know-me know-me. Still, I'm excited.

Liz's POV

My alarm went off. It's only 7am. Nat's making flapjacks (chocolate chip, of course), poached eggs and tea. "Morning Nat."

"Morning Liz. First flapjack just went in. Earl Grey tea works?"

"And get a mug for Millie too. She'll probably want some." Though Millie is American by birth, she's fallen in love with Earl Grey tea.

I grabbed the maple syrup out of the cupboard and set it down on the table. We quickly ate and we waited until Millie gave us the signal (aka a text she'd send me when she was ready).

Millie's POV

It's 7:30. Still have an hour and a half until Nat and Liz pick me up. "Morning Mom."

"Morning Mill."

I had my Anne Boleyn cosplay ready to go, and I snuck an apple, hoping Mom wouldn't notice. "Liz will be here soon-ish. Don't know when."

I texted Liz.

Millie: I'm ready!

Liz: We just finished breakfast. We're on our way.

Millie: yayy

Liz's POV

"Millie's ready." I said as I slipped on my jumper.

"I'll meet you by the car , okay?" Nat said, fumbling her keys.

I headed to the car. Nat caught up with me and we drove to Millie's place. After we picked up Millie, I gave her a tour of my room and I showed her the photos strips I got with the girls on the shopping day a few months ago.

Before we knew it, it was time to go to the theater. I had fished the tickets out of the drawer and stuffed them in my purse. I also picked up the merch ticket (all-you-can-buy) and stuffed that in there too. Millie was excited to see Millie (especially in her Anne Boleyn cosplay). "You excited to see the show?" Collette asked.

Millie nodded. "Don't expect me to dance in my seat!" Millie giggled.

"I suppose. At least film the Megasix. It's the best part of the show."

Later it was 2pm. We headed to our seats as Greensleves played. The show ended and we dropped off Millie at 5:30.

Thanks for reading!

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