Chapter 30: Bat Mitzvah Ceremony (1)

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My phone alarm started blasting "No Way". "Liz, are you gonna shut that thing off?" Fiona groaned.

I pried open my eyes. The time was 6:00am. "SHOOT! I have a hair and makeup session at eight! It's supposed to take an hour and a half, and I have one scheduled for this afternoon for the party, and..."

"Liz, calm down. It's only the bat mitzvah."

Fiona and I jumped out of bed. "Morning, Mom."

"Morning, ladies. Hair and makeup at 8am. Service at 10."

"We know, Natalie." Fiona said, digging into her blueberry waffles.

Mom handed me her blueberry waffles. She knew they were my favorite. "Fiona, fun fact. Mom made these waffles the morning after she found me."

"And they've been her favorite ever since." Mom added.

"Mommy! Stop it!"

"I just love it when you say that."


"Okay, I surrender."

We had just finished breakfast when I was tempted to see the dress that Gabriella had designed for the party. "Not yet. Ceremony first, then the party."

After breakfast, I took out my favorite floral dress and slid it on when Fiona handed me a little gift box. "I wanted to give this to you at the party tonight, but I just couldn't wait..."

I opened the box. It was a little lesbian flag pin! "Fiona! I love it! You didn't need to do this!" I exclaimed.

"The thing is," Fiona continued, "I'm lesbian, and I really love you."

My jaw dropped. "Fiona, what are you trying to say?"

She leaned into me and kissed me. "Still friends?" I giggled.

"As always."

"Ladies, you ready?" Natalie asked.

My phone then started blowing up with texts from the cast.

Queen: See you at temple! Gen and I are super excited.

Graceyyyy: See u soon, Lizzie!


Lex: You're gonna look STUNNING! 😍😘💕👍

Millie Moo: See ya later Liz!

Maiya: Good luck!

We then headed out to the car, and we were on our way to the nearest hair and makeup salon. Then we walked in. "Appointment for 'Paris'?" Mom asked at the front desk.

"Elizabeth, right?"

I nodded. "Right this way!"

Mom and Fiona trotted behind. "So, my name is Astrid, and I will be your hair and makeup artist today. What kind of look are you going for?"

"For the ceremony, I'm thinking a 'no-makeup' look, and my hair curled."

"Perfect. Let me just get the supplies ready!"

As Astrid got her curling iron out, I practiced my Torah portion in my head. "Are you excited?" Astrid asked as she started curling my hair.

"Yeah, and a little nervous."

"Once the ceremony's over, it's time to party!" Fiona butted in.

"Liz! Hold still!"

My hair was finally done. "Now, the makeup. Speaking of: what kind of style of makeup do you want for tonight?"

"I'm thinking a bit of either gold or shimmery purple eyeshadow, lip gloss or lipstick, and maybe some mascara. I'm not sure."

"I'll have a palate out for you to choose your eyeshadow color. That okay?"


About a half hour later, I was done. "Do I pay you now, or at the second appointment today?" Mom asked as she took out her credit card.

"You can pay this afternoon, and it'll be the cost of only one session. Good luck, Elizabeth!"

"Thanks Astrid! See you later!"

I then hopped in the car. "I'm so nervous." I said, my palms sweating.

"Liz, it's going to be fine. You're going to rock the Torah reading, the service, your speech, everything!"

Then the phone in the car rang. "Hello, yes...uh huh...see you later...bye."

Mom turned to me. "That's just the DJ confirming for tonight."


Twenty minutes later, we pulled up at the synagogue. "Are you ready? Liz, here we go!" Mom said.

"You have my tallit, right?" I asked.

"Yes, Rabbi Cohen and Cantor Michaels are waiting for you."

I walked into the sanctuary. This is it.

Next chapter will be the ceremony. I promise.
Thanks for reading!

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