Chapter 20: Adoption Day

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I was walking to my locker when my phone buzzed.

Vick: We've got something to tell you after school. Be at the theater. Bring Millie and Fiona too.

Liz: ?

Vick: It's a surprise.

I shrugged and put my phone in my locker. "What was Vicki texting you about?" Millie asked.

"Dunno. She told me to bring you and Fiona too. Too bad she's still sick."

"Well, the Olivier Award nominations came out today, so that's my best bet."

Then my phone buzzed.

Nat/Mom: WE GOT NOMINATED FOR FIVE OLIVIER AWARDS!!!!! Vicki said she was going to tell you later, but why not now?

Nat/Mom: And yep she's now after me 😂

"Nat told me, but Vicki wanted to keep it a surprise. Now Vicki's after her."

Millie started giggling. "Pre-adoption news: five Olivier nominations. It turns out that Nat and Aimie want to do a shopping day. Next weekend. It'll be my first mother-daughter shopping spree in a long time."

During the day, the only thing on my mind was becoming a Paris tomorrow afternoon. It would go through, and Nat's flat was inspected two months ago. I was okay. It would be my last full day of being an Abrams. "We'll be having a unit exam over the Reformation on Monday, so rest up and have a great weekend!"

My stomach lurched. It was lunchtime. "You okay Liz? You'll be fine tomorrow. The whole cast will be there, right?"

I nodded. Still, it would be amazing. Since that day Nat found me, I was hers. I'm still not ready to cross the line from "stranger" to "parent". Or rather "role model" to "my actual mother". I still wasn't ready. Hopefully I'll cross that line before my bat mitzvah. Speaking of, I still need to start drafting my speech!! "Liz!"



I quickly got back to taking notes on our upcoming Science exam. Then the final bell rang. Millie was coming backstage tonight for the candles. She would also watch the show as well. "What's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Well, we moved the afternoon show to three, since my hearing is at one. It'll take about a half hour there and back from the theater."

After school, Millie and I walked to the theater. My last time doing the candles as an Abrams. By this time tomorrow, I'll be a Paris. I was greeted by everyone hanging in the back. "Liz!!!" Nat exclaimed.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Aimie asked.

"I guess. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. We'll all be there. With you."

That made me feel a bit better, but not much. It's just pre-adoption nerves, I thought.

Standing in front of someone makes my brain interpret it as a performance, for some weird reason. I'm not sure why. The show went great, obviously. But I still had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Like it was not going to go through.

After Nat and I got back to the flat, we had a quick bite. "We'll all be there love. It'll be okay. Got your dress picked out?"

"Yeah. Just as long as I stay calm. Good night Nat."

"Night love."

I then curled up under the blankets. My stomach was still in knots. I couldn't sleep.

My alarm then went off. It was blasting "No Way" but I could barely pry myself out of bed. It was the day I would become a Paris. Being Nat's official daughter seemed really cool but scary. "Ready love?" Nat asked, flipping a pancake.

"Yeah. Just nervous. Is that normal?"

"I'm not sure. Probably."

"I still can't believe you're adopting me today."

"Me neither. You're my sweet girl. You'll always be mine. And the cast's too. That won't change. Ever."

After breakfast, we headed to the theater and then at noon, it was time to go to the London Municipal Courthouse. Court security was okay, I held Nat's hand the whole time. "It's okay. You'll be okay."

My lawyer, Mr. Drake, was waiting there. "You ready Liz? To become a Paris?"


"It shouldn't take more than an hour. We still need the written consent from both of you."

We signed the papers. This was it. Almost there. Almost a Paris. The judge banged her gavel. "We are now, on behalf of the City of London, about to finalize the adoption. Mr. Drake, you have the floor sir." She said.

Mr. Drake stood up. "In my professional opinion, I say that Elizabeth shall be moved from foster care into adoption, specifically into the hands of Natalie May Paris. Her home inspection was all clear. Her parents terminated their rights three months ago. Is that all you need, your Honor?"

"Thank you. You may take a seat. The bench calls Natalie to be sworn in."

Nat stood up and took a deep breath. "Do you promise to give your child a loving home?"


"And support her to the best of your abilities?"

"To the best of my abilities."

"Thank you. Please be seated."

Nat sat down. "That was great." I whispered.

"Thanks love."

"We now call Elizabeth Katherine Abrams to be sworn in."

I shakily stood up. "Do you give approval for Natalie May Paris to adopt you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Here is the amended birth certificate. We're adjourned. Congratulations."

I couldn't believe it. I was no longer Elizabeth Katherine Abrams. I was now Elizabeth Katherine PARIS. "That was amazing love!" Aimie said as we were heading out.

"We're so so proud of you Lizzie!" Grace exclaimed.

"I can't believe I'm a Paris now!" I exclaimed.

I am so sorry that this took forever to update. I've been really busy and I was sick the last few days.
Also, I won't be updating between March 21-April 9. I'm going on a trip, and my chaperones won't let us have social media.
And almost 500 reads? You guys are the best!

Thanks for reading!!

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