Chapter 13: Home Sick

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"Good afternoon Liz!" Nat said as I walked in, slumping on the couch.

"No homework, thank goodness. Just bat mitzvah stuff. That's basically it." I said, my throat scratchy.

"You don't look well, kiddo. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Nat's POV

"You don't look well, kiddo. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine."

I got up and fumbled for a thermometer. If it's what I think it is, someone needs to cover me tomorrow so I can take care of Liz. I quickly took her temperature. 38.5 degrees Celsius (about 101.3 degrees in Fahrenheit). "Sorry, love but you have a fever. Do you want any soup or anything?" I asked, feeling her forehead.

Liz's POV

"Sorry, love but you have a fever. Do you want any soup or anything?" Nat asked, feeling my forehead.

"Are you going to take tomorrow off?" I asked, shivering under a blanket.

"Yes. I need to let Toby know."

Nat's POV

I propped Liz up on the sofa and quickly texted Toby.

Natalie: I can't do the show tomorrow night. Liz has a fever.

Toby: Poor Liz! Hope she feels better soon!

"Toby says that he hopes you feel better soon love."

I whipped up a cup of chamomile tea and a glass of water. "Thanks Nat." Liz croaked.


Liz's POV

I was trying to practice my Haftarah (a section of the Tanach that relates to the Torah portion) but nothing was sounding right. I plopped my binder down, frustrated. My phone was lying on the coffee table and it buzzed. It was Aimie!

Aimie: We just heard. Feel better soon love! Wolfie sends kisses! Gen too!!

And one from Jaye'J.

J: We love you! Get well soon!

And another from Maiya.

Mayo: Get well soon! Feel better boo!

"Looks like they found out." I said, taking a sip of my tea.

"Toby and Lucy let everyone know everything. As soon as I let Toby know I would be taking tomorrow off, he lets all of us know on a WhatsApp chat we have altogether, as a whole cast."

I nodded, grabbing a tissue. I then walked to my room and fell asleep. About a half hour later, my phone buzzed.

Graceyyyy: Feel better Lizzie!! Bonnie says hi!

Bonnie is Grace's dog. I've met her before, and I've dog-sat for her. "Liz! Supper's ready!"

I climbed out of bed and Nat had laid out one of her RADA jumpers, which I slipped on immediately. "Chicken noodle soup, kiddo. Is that okay?" Nat asked as I sat down, getting myself some more chamomile tea.

I nodded, taking a bite. Growing up, before my parents kicked me out, Mom made soup when I was not feeling well. Nat's reminded me of Mom's, and that cheered me up. "Feeling better love?" Nat asked.

She pulled out some Tylenol and I took it in one gulp. "I'm okay, just chilly. And tired."

"I know. I feel like a mother to you at this point. I love you." Nat said, planting a kiss on my forehead and ruffling my already messy hair.

"I love you too Nat."

Every Wednesday, Nat and I have a movie night; she pulls up a normal movie (tonight it's Frozen, my all-time favorite) and we watch it. I curl up close, Nat rubbing my back. It felt so good, my heart bursting with joy and love.

After the movie ended, I fell asleep, the blanket curled up against me. At around one a.m, I woke up and headed back to my room. Back in my own bed, water bottle on my bed table. I closed my eyes again.

"Liz? Wake up, love!" Nat said, feeling my forehead.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, just having trouble waking up."

"I just emailed your teacher. He knows you're missing school today." Nat said, handing me a scone.

"Did he respond?"

"I'll show you, boo-boo."

She handed me her phone, and I read his response.

Can I see Liz this afternoon?

"This is weird."

"Rubbish. I denied it though."

"Oh thank goodness."

I spent the day catching up on school, relaxing on the couch, and texting Millie about what my teacher sent after Nat told him I wasn't going to be at school today.

Millie: WHAT THE...?

Liz: I'm pretty sure he wants to meet Nat too.

Millie: First Fiona, then Mr. Smith?!

Liz: when do you have him?

Millie: Like right now.

Liz: UGH

Millie: I'm gonna glare at him if he calls on me. I don't care if he calls Mom. All I care about is him staying away from you and Natalie AT ALL COSTS.

Liz: He's my home room teacher. That's why Nat emailed him.

Millie: He's messed up. He totally wants to meet her. Today.

Millie: He's walking in right now. I'm calling you.

She immediately called me and all I got was a "Liz! How are you?"

I instantly glared at him. "Can I come over this afternoon to help you catch up?" He asked.

"No." I croaked.

"Eh never mind."

I hung up and my phone went silent. I plopped it down on the couch.

Sorry this chapter is so boring.
Thanks for reading!!

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