Chapter 10: My First Christmas

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After Hanukkah passed, it was almost the end of the term. I was going to meet my Mimi (Nat's mom) my Papa (her dad) and my Uncle Matt. I was excited, yet scared. "So, you have never met any of Natalie's family yet." Millie said, trying to understand.

"Besides the Six cast." I giggled.

"I'm still so excited that Millie got you and me tickets to Six. Front row!" Millie squealed.

"So who got tickets to Six now?" Fiona, a new girl who came last month, asked.

"We're...uh...just talking we're going to do over the break, right?" I said.


"Oh, not a big deal."

Fiona walked away. "What does she want, anyway?" I asked as Millie and I headed into the building.

"She maybe heard about you, and she wants to get to know you and when she does, you'll invite her backstage to Six and she'll want to get primo tickets too."

Millie's got a talent of going into someone's schemes. The bell rang, and I had an exam on the Tudor Dynasty. Fun. Thank goodness I got help from Nat and Aimie, so I had this down, pat. The third question threw me for a loop. I thankfully got it right, though. After my bio exam, it was time to leave. "See you later?" I asked Millie as I was walking back to the flat.

"Yeah. Merry Christmas!!"

I knocked on the door. "Nat? You there?" I asked, pushing open the door.

"I'm in the kitchen! How was school?" Nat asked.

"It was okay. Long day. A bunch of exams." I sighed.

"Glad you're on holiday?"

"Yeah. Holiday!!! Yay!"

On holiday, I had been going to the theater every day and Gen and Aimie had hired me to dog-sit Wolfie, which was an amazing experience. I started dance lessons with Millie, and I met Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss. They were some of the nicest people I had ever met. Later, on December 22, my "new" family arrived. Mimi, Papa and Uncle Matt. "Natalie! How are you?" My Mimi asked.

"I'm good! How are you?" Nat said back. "And this is Elizabeth, and she prefers to be called Liz."

I waved shyly. "It's very nice to meet you Liz. How long have you been staying with Natalie?"

"Bout a month now."

"Welcome to the family!" Papa exclaimed.

"Liz! I've heard so much about you!" Uncle Matt exclaimed.

"Hi Uncle Matt. Nat's told me so much about you!" I said.

"And Mimi knitted you a jumper." Nat said as Papa handed me a box.

I opened it. It had "Liz" in it, along with "Christmas 2018" written in it. Along with it was a note.

Welcome to the family! We love you!
-Mimi, Papa and Uncle Matt

"You guys are amazing! Thank you thank you!" I exclaimed!

"We love you. You're our granddaughter." Papa said.

"And you're my favorite niece." Matt chucked, ruffling my hair.

"Love you too."

Christmas Eve. I was telling Matt about Millie, how I got taken in by Nat and about Hanukkah as we sipped some hot chocolate by the fire. All the gifts had come in and we were having ham and stuffing for dinner. I had made chocolate chip cookies with Mimi and Nat, and ate them as well. Papa also showed me photos of Natalie and Matt when they were kids. Under one of the captions of Nat and Matt was Making biscuits, Christmas 2000. "They burned the biscuits that year. I still remember it." Mimi said, setting that album down and showing me a picture of Nat's high school graduation.

She also showed me photos of Nat in Billy Elliot, and one of her in Les Mis. "She was only ten. I still remember her opening night..."

"Mum, enough. I was ten. Get over it." Nat sighed.

Then the doorbell rang. It was Jaye'J! "Merry Christmas guys! Just dropping off Liz's gift. Still up for the exchange?"


"See you then!"

Jaye'J left, and we had some of the best Christmas dinner I ever had. "Thanks for the best Christmas ever. Especially since it's my first one."

"You're welcome Liz. You're family now."

Mimi, Papa and Matt left an hour later, and now was the part that every kid doesn't like: falling asleep on Christmas Eve because they were so excited. I never had that excitement before (thank you Hanukkah), but this year was different (A/N sorry for the All You Wanna Do reference at the end of the sentence LOL). I couldn't sleep, I was too excited.

That morning, as I saw all the gifts under the tree, I mumbled a quick Shechecheyanu to myself, and Nat heard me. "Morning Liz! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas. Open your gifts, it's okay."

I started with the one from Toby and Lucy. Merry Christmas Liz! Toby and Lucy xx. I opened it carefully pulled out a collection of signed playbills! All from the West End (especially Six because they wrote it). "What do you think?" Nat asked.

"I love them!"

By 10am, I had opened a Jane Seymour costume from Gabriella the costume designer, a pack of Six Funko Pops from Maiya, a golden necklace from Gen and Aimie, vinyl of the Six cast recording from Millie, new AirPods from Jaye'J (my old ones died in November) and a lot more. Before I knew it, we were going to the theater for the show. The halls were decked with holly branches and a little tree stood in the corner. "This is gorgeous!"

"Merry Christmas Liz!" Collette exclaimed as she handed me her autograph.


"And we got something from Parliament."

Lexi handed me the letter.

Dear Natalie Paris,
We have approved your adoption documents for Elizabeth Katherine Abrams, and a hearing has been set for February 14, 2019 at 1:00pm BST.

My jaw dropped. I WAS GETTING ADOPTED BY NATALIE! I was so excited. "Thank you! I'm so excited!"

"Us too. We love you so much Liz. Don't forget that." Nat said, ruffling my hair.

Sorry this chapter was so boring.
Thanks for reading!

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